
#220 Computed Balance, Account Balance, Difference columns

There would be fine to have Computed Balance, Account Balance, Difference columns in Account View.

The reason is, that Computed Balance (currently named as Balance in Account View) is not always equal with the real bank account balance.
The difference is usually the interest amount.

Currently I enter this data into Notes field:
Account Balance: 1234
Computed Balance: 1230
Difference: +4 (I compute difference manually, and add as separate transaction)

However, difference calculation could be automated if I could enter real account balance for each transaction.
If difference is 0, the Computed Balance, Account Balance could be showed in normal color (black), when it is different, Computed Balance could be highlighted with [color=#FF0000]RED[/color] color.
This way I could immediately see, if there is difference between computed and real balance, so I can add the missing transactions.

Please consider implementing this feature into next release of MMEX.


  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2009-11-04

    I don't understand, how is this different from reconciled/unreconciled balances?

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2012-05-02

    This request may possibly be resolved in the newer versions, as many changes have been made since initial report.

    Please advise if this is still relevant.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2012-05-02
    • status: open --> pending-out-of-date
  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2013-09-23
    • status: pending-out-of-date --> closed-fixed

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