
#958 Installation Ubuntu: ppa does not exist


It looks like the ppa does not exist anymore. Running sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dwrj87/mmex-test leads to the following error:
Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~dwrj87/ubuntu/mmex-test'. ERROR: '~dwrj87' user or team does not exist.

Is there an alternative ppa? Or a different source of getting a .deb file for installation?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-13

    Même problème: après essai d'ajout du ppa j'obtiens aussi "ERROR: '~dwrj87' user or team does not exist."

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-14

    Same problem here... Unable to add repository ppa:dwrj87/mmex-test under Kubuntu 16.10.
    Great crossplatform program...not so great if you can't install it...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-15

    I suspect that developers of cross-platform programs tend to concentrate their time in proportion to the version user bases - most effort on Windows, less on Mac and Android, and least on Linux.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-23

    Bonjour, j'ai le meme problème depuis 1 semaine... après avoir quitté linux pour cause de commodité il y a 5ans, bien que je n'ai utilisé cela depuis toujours, je reviens à mes fondamentaux et là se trouve maintenant le seul logiciel qu'il me manque pour repasser du bon côté et quitter définitivement Windows... qq'un a-t-il une solution et un dépôt actif ? Ou dois-je bidouiller ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-26

    Please add a PPA for us linux users. my os is debian 8 jessie.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-27

    Hi, please solve the defaut ASAP, we love this soft ;-)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-27

    Hi everybody,

    I find access to the PPA, because impossible to add on repo. The solution is, i search and find the direct link to the PPA, and you can download deb package :

    That's work for my Xenial distro today :-)
    Fred :-)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-29

    @Fred, That's great news for the Xenial distro. Thanks for posting!
    Any info for other Debian distro's?
    Adding the Xenial PPA to another distro (debian, Jessie) failed;
    Failed to fetch 404 Not Found

    I'm not sure how to remove the extra "dists/jessie/main/binary-i386/Packages" from the orginal ppa address.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-29

    PS.. Tried to install on Debian 8/Jessie and the mmex_1.2.7~xenial5_amd64.deb package has the Error: Cannot satisfy dependencies

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2016-12-01

      Finally got MMEX to install using the mmex_1.2.7~vivid5_amd64.deb package.
      The package had dependencies & installed them without issue.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2016-11-30

    It appears that drwj87 (David Jones) the author of cmake has left Github. This has resulted in the above error. I have merged the last update I had of the branch dwrj87/cmake with moneymanagerex/master and have uploaded the cmake branch to moneymanagerex. Users should now be able to switch to moneymanagerex/cmake to access his unfinished work.

    Hopefully this has the appropriate files that various users require, and many thanks to dwrj87 (David Jones) for his work in providing this branch.

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2016-12-03
    • labels: --> linux, error
    • status: open --> closed

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