
#876 Minor problem displaying shares in 1.3.0


Running 1.3.0 at "Translink shares (#817)" commit level compiled with VB 2015 on a copy of a 1.2.7 database containing a few share transactions.

  1. Start MMEX 1.3.0, select database and get upgrade to V6 message as expected.

  2. Display one of my existing stock accounts which contain only purchases - no sales

  3. Display is as 1.2.7 except that the arrow in the first column is always a red down arrow even when the current price is higher


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-05-31

    Guess this is still "work in progress" as the Gain/Loss column always contains zeros

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2016-05-31

    I have created a new database with v1.2.x, added one stock portfolio and one Stock.
    On opening the entry, when I ran ran V1.3.0, you are correct. It appears I have not set the old style of calculations if the stock entry has not been upgraded.

    On upgrading the entry will correct this.

    Documentation has been provided, and is accessed by selecting Stock Portfolio heading in the navigation panel. This should explain the new process for Stocks and Shares.

    As a brief explanation,
    . Old style gain/loss calculations have been based on the initial purchase price.
    . New style, gain loss calculations are based on initial value
    . The old purchase price, is now classified as share price.
    . Share Price is now set for each lot of shares purchased.
    . This makes the initial purchase price field irrelevant and will be set to 0.
    . The initial value will represent the true value.

    This is because if we buy 100 shares @ $2 and then 100 @ $3, total shares = 200
    What is the initial price?
    where as value = $200 + $300 = $500
    Current price affects both lots of shares.
    Now if Current price is $4, current value = $800. Gain = $300

    You can upgrade the entries as follows:
    Edit each Stock Entry.
    . This will allow you to create a share account of the same name, and then allow you to add the transaction.
    . The share price will revert to 0 (zero) in the Stock Portfolio view.
    . This column should be hidden as this becomes irrelevant.

    It appears that the upgrade process fails to update the navigation panel when upgrading.
    Works when creting new entries. Use View->Share Accounts

    And Yes, it is still a work in progress, and a big change to the way stocks were handled. Bugs are still being discovered and therefore will be fixed.
    Thanks for your report.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2016-06-01

      Thanks for the update and explanation. I guess you might get a few complaints if the upgrade process does not take automatically upgrade existing stock data but for a few share transactions then upgrading by hand should not be too much of a hassle. I'll have a play.
      Many thanks

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2016-06-04

    I have now fixed the display of the old style calculations. When upgrading the entry using an edit, the navigation panel will now be updated correctly.

    Unfortunately the upgrade process adds new details, and the only way to do this is to allow the user to upgrade the entries. I cannot see any other simple solution.

    The only problems I can see is:
    If a user has created a stock entry with 1000 shares, and then on purchasing more shares has created another stock entry with the same name and symbol with 2000 shares.

    This would result in the share account displaying the 2 entries. The Stock portfolio view would also display 2 entries.

    In this case the first stock entry needs to be edited in order to create an account, while subsequent entries would need to be removed and added as a transaction to the first stock entry. This will correctly adjust the stock value. The portfolio view will then display only one stock entry having 3000 shares while the transaction entry will display the 2 entries.

    At this point I still need to determine how to show the transactions having shares, as opposed to dividend and other transaction types. As a temporary measure, there is a "View Transactions" which will display only the stock entries.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2016-06-04

      Latest fix works for the arrows on my non-modified V1.3.0 database, thankyou.

      Left clicking on "Stock Portfolios" in navigation pane for me produces the help panel with the title "Money Manager Ex - Help" and the text "This page can't be displayed". Clicking on the help Button displays the User Manual for 1.3.0 but this appears not to contain any details of the new Stocks strategy.

      Not to worry, it is probably my fault as I am a novice when it comes to compiling and running programs on Windows even though I have 40 years experience of IBM mainframe systems software! I am simply using Mmex as a vehicle to try and learn about object oriented coding and I can wait for the first beta of V1.3.0

  • Stefano

    Stefano - 2016-06-04

    To allow your build to access the help files, locate and run the batch file: update_mmex_build_files.bat This should be in .\setup\win

    After running this file you should be able to run the program within the IDE environment either in debug mode or release mode with access the appropriate help files. Alternatively a complete package will be set up in .\mmex_release


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