
#692 Mac OSX - No Print output

Mike Eccles

V1.2.1 MacOS 10.10.3
Select any account from the navigation menu
File > Print generates a blank sheet of paper
Selecting File > Print when the 'Home Page' is selected does produce output.


  • Mike Eccles

    Mike Eccles - 2015-09-04

    Now on MacOS 10.10.5, still no printing capability from accounts, which was available in earlier releases.
    No way to setup or turn paper to landscape mode
    No print preview

    For those who use print as a way of recording a year of transactions, this is most dissapointing.

  • Mike Eccles

    Mike Eccles - 2016-02-04

    MMEX v1.2.5 released along with MacOS 10.11.3, but printing from the basic account listings is still not working. I know this is not a 'sexy' feature, but it is a basic need to be able to produce hard copy output and it has been broken since the release of v1.2.1.

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2016-02-05

    I'm wondering if this is a mac version issue - I'm running 10.11.3 also but I've tried a few old versions as far back as v1.1.1 and get the same symptoms you described. Are you sure that it last worked in v1.2.0? Can you try to run v1.2.0 on your current OS and see if it works for you?

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2016-02-05

    I've just checked on another mac. Printing from an account view did not work on my machine running Mac OSX 10.9.5 with MMEX v1.1.2.

    If you (or anyone out there) can provide any more info about OS and MMEX version that it last worked on, that would be very helpful.

  • Mike Eccles

    Mike Eccles - 2016-02-05

    Hi Pat - thanks for taking a look at this.

    I took your advice and went back to look at the listings I had generated from the older version of MMEX and went to try and recreate the problem.

    I went back to 0.9.9 and, like you, could not do a direct print from the accounts view. So what the heck was I complaining about? I tried to recreate the listings I had and was able to do it, producing the same format as you see in Print_0.9.9.0.pdf by using the transaction report filter to filter all the records in the account and then printing on landscape format - PERFECT!

    So then I tried to reproduce the same in MMEX 1.1.2 which I had originally complained about and the best I could get was as shown in Print_1.1.2.pdf.

    Once I had done that, I remembered that it was frustrating that I could not produce the same report as I had in which I thought was excellent. The main problems with the new software were:

    1 - no possibility of producing a landscape format (no page setup menu)

    2 - order of the columns changed (i thought for the worse) with no possibility of changing the order

    3 - no possibility of having alternate rows shaded in selectable (from the preferences) colors

    I guess I could export the data into a spreadsheet and regenerate the original print, but it was working perfectly before! I have no idea if I could use the General Report Generator/SQL to generate the listing I need, but I've played around with that and it's been an abject failure - I just can’t get it to work. I looked on the GitHub and there are reports there done by some real clever people, but not much explanation for beginners like me.

    Sorry if I've sent you down the wrong track a bit, but I guess my rant about printing came from loosing the the perfect listing of transactions and to dealing with something a lot less useful, at least to me.

    I'm following this topic, but if you want to take this topic offline please get in touch with me. I will do all I can to support.

  • Pat O

    Pat O - 2016-02-07

    Mike - I have a temporary workaround for #1 - run the report that you want to print, then with it still open in mmex, open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080 - it should display the exact same report. Use the web browser's "Page Setup" to switch to landscape and print from there. I'll see what we can do about getting the Page Setup menu resurrected in MMEX on the mac, but hopefully the workaround isn't too inconvenient for now.

  • Mike Eccles

    Mike Eccles - 2016-02-09

    Pat - thanks for the effort you are putting in to look at this.
    I tried the temporary fix you suggested, but didn't have any success, firefox, chrome & safari all reported 'unable to connect' messages. I'm on OSX 10.11.3 & MMEX 1.2.5. In the longer term, I'll be happy for the 'page setup' to come back in a later version.
    I'm not giving up on MMEX because the basic functionality is exactly what I need. I'm just trying to 'nudge' you to look at areas where I think improvements would make the software even better.

  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2016-02-09

    Web Server should be anabled


    Last edit: Nikolay 2016-02-09
  • Mike Eccles

    Mike Eccles - 2016-02-09

    Nikolay - Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. It's working now and I'm doing some experiments.


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