
MoJT Login System / News: Recent posts

MoJT Login System: Version 1.05a released

MoJT Login System is simple, but yet powerful login system. The Program consist of a login, registration and members page. It has also the administration panel which is easy to access and even more easier to use!

New version/update for version 1.05 was released today! Here is the change log:

- Changed bottom (copyright) link with new one (old one caused pop-ups!)
- Fixed small language bugs
- Fixed FROM form; now can be defined in program configuration file
- Reedit program config file for easier use
- Updated the readme file for better understanding and easier configuration of script
- Updated installation page... read more

Posted by Stefan - codEVision Programming 2008-01-04

Version 1.2 coming soon

New version 1.2 of MoJT Login Sytem should be out in next few days, but even maybe in next hours!

The new version of program offers exchanged design, improved functions and corrected mistakes found in previous version 1.05.

Stay with us and be the first to download new version of MoJT Login System!

Posted by Stefan - codEVision Programming 2007-05-13

Version 1.05 released

We released our second version of the MoJT Login System. The new version has many changes/addons. Here is the change log list:

- Changed case sensitiv admin login protections
- Changed cookie sending format
- Added the sendmail functions
- Added option to protect users email, so now their will be protect from spaminig
- Added page members, where visitor can see users profiles and send them an email.
- Added new email sending type

Posted by Stefan - codEVision Programming 2004-06-05

Version 0.85 released

The first version of this Login System have been released. It's a simple but very functional user login system written in PHP, using MySQL.

Posted by Stefan - codEVision Programming 2004-05-11