
mojo / News: Recent posts

Version 0.02 (Useless Bugmonster) released

Today marks the release, with great fanfare, of version 0.02 of mojo-admin, dubbed the Useless Bugmonster release. I've added a domains list feature, modularized the code a little more, and begun to think about adding error handling (I haven't actually added any. But I sure am thinking about it, you can bet your pinky on that, yessiree.). Jamie has made the Webmin remote calls usable locally, so when the remotization of mojo begins, we'll only need one block of code for each action, whether the action is local or on a mojo-slave server somewhere on the network. Hurrah!... read more

Posted by Joe Cooper 2001-05-03

Now on SourceForge

Development of mojo will now take place on SourceForge.

Posted by Joe Cooper 2001-04-29