
What happen if CRL expire before a new fetch?

  • klaubert silveira

    Today with Apache's modssl, if a CRL get expired before a new one get manually fetched (until because the CA don't issue the CRL before the date/time expected, and this is hard to  syncronize, mainly with several CA's). So Apache start to refuse all clients certs until a fresh and valid/new CRL are fetched, creating in this way a self DoS.
    How is the behaviour of modsslcrl in this case? It refuse the users while not get a new CRL or consider it valid until next fetch? Is this configurable?

    Best regards,


  • Pascal Buchbinder

    mod_sslcrl refuses certificates if the associated CRL has expired

    mod_sslcrl(033): found CRL is expired - revoking all certificates until you get updated

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