
Limit connection/s

  • trotanana

    trotanana - 2011-03-04

    Hi , i am testing mod_qos and i want to limit connection/s to for example index.php

    in my virtual i put

    QS_LocRequestPerSecLimit /index.php 2

    my index.php is something like "echo … ; sleep 5 sec ; echo …."

    launching 50 or 100 wget in a for like
    for x in {1..50} ; do wget -nd -background -o /dev/null ; done

    i am expecting that the limiter is activated but this is not true.
    I know that maybe i have to set QS_LocRequestLimit for concurrent connection but i want to delay the requests and not to drop .

    am I missing something?

  • Pascal Buchbinder

    mod_qos measures the number of requests within a time interval (10 seconds) and then calculates the necessary delay time to apply to the requests (closed loop control). So you need to run your tests for a few seconds in order to see how mod_qos starts to delay requests. 


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