
#289 Create KAP-files in MobAC


Would it be usefull, to create directly KAP-files out of MobAC, so OpenCPN can read these atlases imediately?

In principle it's a paper atlas having coordinates with it.

MobAC is not having a feature to export coordintes to file, so that makes it very complex to create these KAP-files. Also to combine PNG-files with coordinates and convert it to KAP-files. Could be a major help, when MobAC can create these files.


  • r_x

    r_x - 2019-09-11
    • Group: Scheduled_for_next_release --> Maybe_somtime
  • free-x

    free-x - 2019-09-26

    Take a look at

    Export your Atlas in MOBAC as "png + world". Script creates a set of KAP files which works fine for example with OpenCPN

    • GLS

      GLS - 2019-09-26

      Thanks 'free-x',

      I did have a look, but can you tell me which file is the header file?
      'myheaderkap.kap' in the example mentioned site:
      "imgkap myimg.png myheaderkap.kap"

      I do get errors, if I did try to use 'png.aux.xml' file or the 'pgw' file, which have been created by MobAC.

      I do have to convert thousants of files, so it would be lovely, in case MobAC is putting these header information into a file.

      • free-x

        free-x - 2019-09-26


        script reads with GDAL functions from PNG header. What you need is
        1. Install python,python-gdal and imgkap
        2 .Clone a above-mentioned GIT repository
        3. Create with MOBAC "png+world" Atlas
        4. Start script ./convert_to_bsb <path_where_atlas>
        5. Ready</path_where_atlas>

  • r_x

    r_x - 2019-09-26

    I am sorry but at the moment I am not planning to develop new atlas formats. If someone provides the Java source code for creating an specific atlas format I am happy to integrate it but developing a complete new atalas format on my own is out of scope at the moment.


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