Activity for Mobile Atlas Creator

  • Vincent BertGui Vincent BertGui posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    :-)) it works !! thank you very much!

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Congratulations !

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, [Resolved] Please find attach the Garmin-Navionics Maps :-) Monde-Marine-Garmin-Navionics-2m-nav.bsh Monde-Marine-Garmin-Navionics-2m-sonar.bsh Regards Nicolas

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR modified a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I propose today 2 Garmin Maps Monde-Marine-Garmin-2m-fish.bsh and Monde-Marine-Garmin-2m-nav.bsh I also continue to work on Navionics tokens Nicolas

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I propose today 2 Garmin Maps Monde-Marine-Garmin-2m-fish.bsh and Monde-Marine-Garmin-2m-nav.bsh I also continue to work on Navionics tokens Nicolas

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR modified a comment on discussion Map Sources

    For the old Navionics site, the script was GetNavToken() { String VTimeStamp; String Result; int VResponseCode; VTimeStamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); URL url = new URL("" + VTimeStamp); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("Referer",""); VResponseCode = connection.getResponseCode();...

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    For the old Navionics site, the script was GetNavToken() { String VTimeStamp; String Result; int VResponseCode; VTimeStamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); URL url = new URL("" + VTimeStamp); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("Referer",""); VResponseCode = connection.getResponseCode();...

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    OK, understood. And actually, I agree with you : the first question to ask him is to know if it's ok or not when correctly positionned in France. Because there is a little chance that when out of zone, server's answer is not 100% correct (ie. a "clear" HTTP 404) and then produces this "strange" error on some configurations.

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    I can't get the token. If anyone has an idea for this site and especially this page ...

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am trying to help a user. I know his link was not correct, but instead of having a 404 error, he receives this error : "Permission denied: getsockopt" I can't find why under windows 10 he has this error. I'm trying to get a test in France and I'll get back to you Thanks

  • Vincent BertGui Vincent BertGui posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Many thanks for the job !

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, Garmin bought Navionics, and authentication was changed. I'm working on this script, sorry for posting it. I'll get back to work soon Nicolas

  • Vincent BertGui Vincent BertGui modified a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hi, I am trying to use Monde-Marine-Garmin-Navionics-8m-nav.bsh but I always got red cross. I attached the script and the red cross screenshot. Does someone can help?

  • Vincent BertGui Vincent BertGui posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hi, I am trying to use Monde-Marine-Garmin-Navionics-8m-nav.bsh but I always got red cross. I attached the script and the red cross screenshot. Does someone can help?

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nicolas, if you know that these tiles are not in France, and thus cannot be served by the server, I do not understand your initial question. Was it a kind of quizz, or do you expect really something from our answers ?

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I know the tile are not in France The first link is the end user log The second is on my PC with a normal error 404 not found Another link in France :) 2024-08-22 21:42:55,657 TRACE [Map preview thread 4] - Downloading 2024-08-22...

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I know the tile are not in France The first link is the end user log The second is on my PC with a normal error 404 not found the same link in France :) 2024-08-22 21:42:55,657 TRACE [Map preview thread 4] - Downloading 2024-08-22...

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I know the tile are not in France The first link is the end user log The second is on my PC with a normal error 404 not found

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    First log : Coordinates TileMatrix=17&TileCol=82192&TileRow=54183 We are there in the desert, in Irak 2nd log : Coordinates TileMatrix=11&TileCol=1085&TileRow=720 We are there in Austria, in Tyrol. Sure we cannot get any tile in these places from French IGN Layer GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.MAPS there....

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry but I don't have a clue what could cause an Permission denied: getsockopt error. The HTTP 404 of the second log doesn't seem to be a MOBAC problem as the URL also causes an HTTP 404 when opened in a web browser. May be the used map is simply not available for that...

  • r_x r_x committed [r2782] on Code

    error logging improved

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, an end user with : 2024-08-22 11:59:35,140 INFO [main] SysInfo - Version: Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) 2.3.3 (2759) 2024-08-22 11:59:35,142 INFO [main] SysInfo - Platform: Windows 10 (10.0) 2024-08-22 11:59:35,143 INFO [main] SysInfo - Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (21.0.2+13-LTS) received this WARN 2024-08-22 11:59:37,409 TRACE [Map preview thread 2] - Downloading

  • r_x r_x committed [r2781] on Code

    Updated plugin to version 3.0.6

  • r_x r_x committed [r2780] on Code

    Gradle wrapper updated to version 8.9

  • Jean-Marc Lacroix Jean-Marc Lacroix posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    TwoNav (RMAP)

  • r_x r_x modified a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Which "RMAP" format are you referring to? MOBAC supports two formats of that name: TwoNav (RMAP) RMaps SQLite The latter should be usable as tile source via <localTileSQLite> custom map source. The TwoNav version can not be used as tile source.

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Which "RAMP" format are you referring to? MOBAC supports two formats of that name: TwoNav (RMAP) RMaps SQLite The latter should be usable as tile source via <localTileSQLite> custom map source. The TwoNav version can not be used as tile source.

  • Jean-Marc Lacroix Jean-Marc Lacroix posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I'm trying to load and convert a Rmap format map and I get the following error. Error hierarchy: RuntimeException: Unable to detect image type of .\LocalTiles\fraternali_32_monte_cervino_2021.rmap. Please specify it manually using <tileimagetype> entry in map source definition. Does MOBAC manage the Rmap format ? Regards, Jean-Marc</tileimagetype>

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Perhaps the information MOBAC provides could be expanded in a future version, however. Ah, I just saw this: Sorry but I don't develop new features for MOBAC anymore. But it is an open source Java based project feel free to implement it yourself or find others who implement it. Fair enough. I shall myself stop hinting at UX improvements I cannot implement! :) It's a fantastic tool that I greatly appreciate: just a little quirky to get to grips with. And clearly capabilities are being added collaboratively,...

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ohhh, cunning! I'd looked at the profiles xml but just hadn't thought of doing that! Yet again, huge thanks for your experienced advice. I'm sure you're right about the retries too. The IGN servers are very good. I was probably just getting flustered with the errors and the uncertainty inherent in the application when I changed that. It should be irrelevant when there are no missing tiles though, and x10 does have the advantage of making calculations unnecessary.

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There would be no way to reload previous selections though, would there, if I did want to go back and use the layers of that multiscale map for an area previously downloaded? If you currently have a profile with desired selection on another layer, it's very easy to apply it to this multicale map layer. Open the corresponding xml file (in your profiles folder) with any text editor, then change everywhere it appears the parameter 'mapSource="xxxxxx"' with the correct source, then save under a new profile...

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There would be no way to reload previous selections though, would there, if I did want to go back and use the layers of that multiscale map for an area previously downloaded? If you currently have a profile with desired selection on another layer, it's very easy to apply it to this multicale map layer. Open the corresponding xml file (in your profiles folder) with any text editor, then change everywhere it appears the parameter 'mapSource="xxxxxx"' with the correct source, then save under a new profile...

  • Calabrese Calabrese modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The IGN "multiscale" map is another excellent tip. Thank you very much, Laurent. I hadn't realised that that work had been done for us. It's very nicely thought out, actually. The zoom levels effectively correspond to: 2 - 6 = World 7 -8 = Roads outline 9 - 10 = Long distance road atlas 11 - 12 = More detailed road atlas 13 - 14 = SCAN100 15 - 16 = SCAN25 17 - 18 = Plan Vector Map Since it has the same underlying data, though, it does have the same bizarre missing tile problem as the SCAN maps. It's...

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Anyway, thank you again for all your help. I think I'm sorted, in that I just did another download and all of the transient errors were converted into permanent ones, which indicates that there was no difficulty in downloading tiles: some are simply missing. I know what to expect from the process now. Perhaps the information MOBAC provides could be expanded in a future version, however.

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The IGN "multiscale" map is another excellent tip. Thank you very much, Laurent. I hadn't realised that that work had been done for us. It's very nicely thought out, actually. The zoom levels effectively correspond to: 2 - 6 = World 7 -8 = Roads outline 9 - 10 = Long distance road atlas 11 - 12 = More detailed road atlas 13 - 14 = SCAN100 15 - 16 = SCAN25 17 - 18 = Plan Vector Map Since it has the same underlying data, though, it does have the same bizarre missing tile problem as the SCAN maps. It's...

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    If your maps are IGN Scan maps, in the border, some tiles are present but blank at low zoom levels, but missing (annd then generating errors) at high zoom level. This may explain. Nevertheless, I do not understand why you need to set a specific "retry" parameter for these sources. I never had problem with them, with standard parameter. Are you using them in WMS ? Personnally, I prefer to use the WMTS server (in which tiles are pre-set, and do not need to be "on demand generated", and this may explain...

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ah-ha! Thank you so much, Laurent, that's incredibly helpful :) I had completely missed the "Display selected areas" feature. Being able to save and load selections would still be helpful for other things, but the fact that the area is displayed in yellow and then you can overlay the coverage in green almost achieves what I was wanting. You have to look at zoom levels individually, and it is tile store coverage rather than errors as such, but the contrast is easily visible. So that works. The selected...

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is there a way to save and reload it? Saving a Profile doesn't appear to do that (presumably because you could have different selection areas for different maps in that atlas). Yes, saving a profile is the solution to your need. When you restore a profile, the corresponding zone is not "selected", but you can easily display for each layer included in the profile the corresponding selection, right clicking on it, and selecting "Display selected area". On the other hand, it is not a good practice to...

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is there a way to save and reload it? Saving a Profile doesn't appear to do that (presumably because you could have different selection areas for different maps in that atlas). Yes, saving a profile is the solution to your need. When you restore a profile, the corresponding zone is not "selected", but you can easily display for each layer included in the profile the corresponding selection, right clicking on it, and selecting "Display selected area". On the other hand, it is not a good practice to...

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yeah, I ran another selection area overnight and ended up with 3685 unrecoverable errors, but I just cannot see where those missing tiles are, and thus whether I need to bother about them or not. Is the job done, or will there end up being a hole somewhere: impossible to say. The stats say 594 unrecoverable errors for a WMS map, but if I search the log for WMS there's nothing saying "Retry limit reached" as there is with the WMTS one. The other issue I've encountered is that once you lose the selection...

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, it does. The error code is always 404 and in a browser the URLs return: <ExceptionReport xmlns=""> <Exception exceptionCode="Not Found">No data found</Exception> </ExceptionReport> Ah. I've maybe solved the problem of seeing them, at least. You have to click the "Show coverage" button again when you change the zoom level: just selecting from the drop-down isn't sufficient. Confusing! Some of it is tiles off the edge of one of the maps for the selection area that...

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Have a look in log file. You get it from "Debug" menu (in top right). It should (at least, and among other) contain all failing tiles download, with the HTTP error code.

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is there any way to easily identify download errors on the map? I have run atlas creation twice and the second run clearly didn't manage to download whatever is missing from the tile store. (The multiple of 10 from transient to permanent is because I changed the number of tries to 10.) However, when I show coverage I can't see any obviously missing tiles, let alone 2000+...

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is there any way to easily identify download errors on the map? I have run atlas creation twice and the second run clearly didn't manage to download whatever is missing from the tile store. (The multiple of 10 from transient to permanent is because I changed the number of tries to 10.) However, when I show coverage I can't see any obviously missing tiles, let alone 2000+...

  • r_x r_x committed [r2779] on Code

    fix server initialization

  • Calabrese Calabrese posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It took me quite a while to figure this out because the documentation is a little bit unclear and incomplete, so I thought I'd make a forum post to help others who want to add their own map sources, by setting out a couple of example expected URLs next to the XML needed to get them. Hope it saves someone else some time. I wasn't at all familiar with BSH (Java Bean Shell) but, after downloading and puzzling over a couple of BSH map files from randochartreuse, I found that in fact with version 2.3.3...

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, If I'm not mistaken, with MOBAC, north is always directed to the top of the page. What would be the point of displaying the compass? Nicolas

  • Cyril42e Cyril42e posted a comment on ticket #311

    Interesting! Would it be possible to include this source in a Multilayer source, or to make directly the java map source a multilayer source? But anyway in the end it would indeed be a bit easier to use (though a simple script can synchronize the execution of the local tile server and Mobac), however it would also be more complicated to configure (in order to change the server URL, API key, ...) by requiring to recompile the package, especially if the multilayer has to be compiled in java. It also...

  • r_x r_x modified ticket #311

    perform digital zoom with customMultiLayerMapSource

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on ticket #311

    I see an intermediate way that behaves like running a local tile server inside MOBAC: The implementation of non-custom map sources are Java classes. Multiple map source together are packed into one mapsource jar package. The structure of MOBAC source code allows to create new map sources that can provide not only the URLs of map tiles but also implement totally custom loading mechanisms like generating images on the fly (or based on a tile form a different layer). For someone with some Java skills...

  • Cyril42e Cyril42e created ticket #311

    perform digital zoom with customMultiLayerMapSource

  • Barbudor Barbudor posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Sorry I read too fast, you meant in the individual map XML All good now Many thanks đź‘Ť

  • Barbudor Barbudor posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Bonjour Laurent Sorry for late feedback, I didn't had a notification I tried as per your suggestion <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <customMultiLayerMapSource> <name>OAM France</name> <layers> <mapSource> <name>OAM France North</name> </mapSource> <mapSource> <transparent>true</transparent> <name>OAM France South</name> </mapSource> </layers> </customMultiLayerMapSource> But MoBAC is complaining: Failed to load a custom map Element inattendu (URI:"", local:"transparent") Les...

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Guau! Great job!! That's amazing, many thanks

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR modified a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I created this Russian map (max zoom 13 !)

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I created this Russian map

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet modified a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Only set the two maps defined as <transparent>true</transparent> in their XML mapsource file and it works. PS : Actually, it's enough to define the map of the second layer (South in your case) as transparent

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Only set the two maps defined as <transparent>true</transparent> in their XML mapsource file and it works.

  • Barbudor Barbudor posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hi I am using maps from OpenAndroMaps. For France, there are 2 maps (north and south) with some overlap. So I have 2 XML mapsources, 1 for each half (see exemple for North below). That is working fine Now I would love to be able to create some maps that are across the 2 France maps. I tried to combine them using a multilayer XML : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <customMultiLayerMapSource> <name>OAM France</name> <layers> <mapSource> <name>OAM France North</name> </mapSource>...

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Great! Many thanks for your work

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I added a new one on another server ( Best performance

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Great! Many thanks

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Works again right now.

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Yes, you are right. I will check in a few days. Maybe we are lucky. Many thanks Laurent!

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    It looks like a (temporary ?) problem with their server. Even on their own visualizer ( ) same kind of issues appear. Have a look later....

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I have a problem with the Spain raster and ortho mapsources for Mobac. The ones listed in Cartes Mobac don't work anymore. Does anyone knows how to fix them? I attach the files below. Many thanks in advance for your help

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Many thanks for your help Laurent!

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Personnally, I do not use the WMS server, but rather the WMTS and with the following mapsource, it works

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I have a problem with ICC (Institut CartogrĂ fic de Catalunya) mapsources. They don't work anymore. The url has changed from to, I have changed the url in the mapsource, but it doesn't work either. Does anyone know if the problem can be solved? I attach the files below. Many thanks in advance

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello Nicolas, That's what I thought, because the war. Many thanks for your help Paco

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello Paco, topomapper_v2 was remove from this site (perhaps due to the war?). I have tested all others layer without solution... I remove this map from "randochartreuse" Regards Nicolas

  • Paco RosĂ©s Paco RosĂ©s posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hello, I have just discovered that soviet maps don't work any more. Does anyone knows why? Many thanks for your help! I have this script: // Documentation : // Version : 11/01/2023 // Nom de la carte affiché dans MOBAC name = "Russie, Topomapper-Z(13)"; // Nom du serveur String MyServer = ""; // MyUserAgent correspond à celui créé notamment avec la clé IGN // Par défaut, on trouve souvent MyUserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20100101...

  • Nicolas PAOUR Nicolas PAOUR posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    If you want the bsh, find below or attach Regards

  • Francesco Francesco posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Is it possible to put a compass stamp/sign on a printed map to mark the NORTH direction and or print a magnetic declination of the region in MOBAC ?

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, at the moment te range is fixed. For the next version I added buttons to increase the range selectable by the slider.

  • r_x r_x committed [r2778] on Code

    Dialog "Select distance around track" allows to increase the slider range

  • r_x r_x committed [r2777] on Code

    fixed: defect lon coordinate

  • r_x r_x committed [r2776] on Code

    ignore defect track point when painting

  • Francesco Francesco posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    You are right , but when the dialog appear you cannot go over the distance suggested in the window

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Not sure about which feature you are talking, because you you use the menu command "Add selection around GPX track" then a dialog appears where you can select the distance around the GPX track you want to select.

  • r_x r_x committed [r2775] on Code

    override MOBAC program directory via ENV variable "MOBAC-PROGRAM-DIR"

  • r_x r_x committed [r2774] on Code

    replaced 4uMaps

  • r_x r_x committed [r2773] on Code

    bugfix: removed Osm4uMaps was still referenced in service file

  • r_x r_x committed [r2772] on Code


  • Francesco Francesco posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is any way to make the distance around a GPX track customizable ? I need to increase the distance around a certain track , but it is always fixed as a MIN/MAX value . How can I change the value ? Franky

  • r_x r_x modified ticket #310

    LAN TileStorage

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on ticket #310

    The tile store is a local database file. Concurrent access will most likely destroy it, therefore I wouldn't recommend placing it on a NAS and directly using it from hat location. You can move the whole tilestore directory to a path of your choice. Please read Alternatively you can use the capabilities of your OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS) and create soft-links for the tile store directory directory you want to relocate.

  • Ron James Ron James created ticket #310

    LAN TileStorage

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    We say the same. In input, if we have only one image, we have only one "xml source file" providing calibration data of image. But I actually had not one image, but a bunch of 40 or 50 of images. If I wanted to use what you propose, I would have to, before, joining all these images in one global image, which is obviously feasible, but not so easy... Maybe, I could have opened all of them with QGis (that takes into account the .tfw calibration files, and then would have been able to correctly position...

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    No you don't need one source file each tile image, you just use one large calibrated image.

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Thank you for answering, but this cannot be convenient with my data. AFAI understand, what you propose needs a source file for each image, while I have a set of tenth of images, each with its positioning data. On the other hand, it's not really annoying for me (at least this time ;-)) since I've found a WMS server that provide exactly the same data, and works fine with Mobac. Nevertheless, what you propose could be useful to manage a large image resulting of assembly of several "small" images, maybe...

  • r_x r_x posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    There is no special custom map source format that uses TIF/TFW as input. There is only one generic input format which generates map tiles from an arbitrary image. Not sure if tiff is supported. It seems that this format has never been documented in the Wiki and I have not used it at all, so I don't know if it is still functional: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <localImageFile> <name>Custom local image file atlas</name> <minZoom>4</minZoom> <maxZoom>14</maxZoom> <imageFile>path/to/the/imagefile.png</imageFile>...

  • r_x r_x committed [r2771] on Code

    Formatting, comments, synchronization

  • Jac Jac posted a comment on ticket #391

    Sorry, just a small bug, just need to test if directory for tiles can be create and reachable, and show a warning popup instead of exception. Because in my case, my disk was not reachable.

  • Jac Jac created ticket #391

    Excpetion when creating atlas

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion Map Sources

    Hi, I have a set of raster files in .tif format, each of them associated to their .tfw file providing geolocalization. Is there a mean to have these files read as source file by Mobac, in order to be able to export them in another format (MBTiles atlas in my case) ? Thanks in advance for any valuable idea !

  • Laurent Grenet Laurent Grenet posted a comment on discussion General Discussion is online for several weeks... but actually do not provide any map, nor nothing really interesting. You can browse it to see what it is currently. I don't know what is the real purpose of this website.... Maybe, they bought the domain name, and currently just provide this useless website, but provide maps later ?

  • bivouac0 bivouac0 modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It looks like the is either not setup and or at least not setup correctly (SSL/TLS errors connecting). This means it's not useful with MOBAC. Is there any info on whether the owner of this site plans to fix the tileserver or is it just offline indefinitely?

  • bivouac0 bivouac0 modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It looks like the is either not setup and or at least not setup correctly (SSL/TLS errors down connecting). This means it's not useful with MOBAC. Is there any info on whether the owner of this site plans to put the tileserver back online?

  • bivouac0 bivouac0 posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    It looks like the is not setup and online, only the Google Maps based views on the webpage. This means it's not useful with MOBAC. Is there any info on whether the owner of this site plans to put the tileserver back online?

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