
not be able to excute dump command

Guo Hong
  • Guo Hong

    Guo Hong - 2011-01-24


    I am facing a problem in terms of "dump 1" in amSP. I used to have it work, but maybe after checkout several times, the settings have been changed a lot.
    What happened is, when I type dump 1, a window of "CImgIOException"appears, and says 

    Cimg<unsigned char>::load() : Failed to open file ´AmSPMapImage0.ppm´.

    This seems like a problem occures during execution of imageView2

    And this .ppm file is generated automatically, but it is not be able to be opened. Should I change something somewhere?

    Thanks in advance for your reply!

  • Stephen Balakirsky

    Are you running on windows or linux? The image viewer never worked on windows and imageView2 should only be called if you have a win32 system. This effort was started (replacing imageview with imageview2 for windows) but never finished. You can go back to imageview by changing the line #ifdef WIN32 (line 1150 of to #if 0

  • Guo Hong

    Guo Hong - 2011-01-27

    Oh, I see. I am running on windows, have the win32 system.
    Maybe last time when I had the dump work was when I run on cygwin….but I don´t use it any more.
    In case I keep on running on windows, does it mean that I am not able to open any map?

  • Guo Hong

    Guo Hong - 2011-01-27

    One more novice question, I am going to make several robots communicate in the primShell. I have changed the .cfg file, but on windows OS how should I make it to get modified .nml file?
    Thanks in advance

  • Stephen Balakirsky

    It has been a while since I looked at the imageViewer code. I am not sure if it works or not! If you are getting errors, please let me know what they are. If all else fails, the image file should still be generated, there is just not a dynamic viewer that shows it.

    In terms of generating a new .nml file, I have created a new bat file but the Sourceforge CVS hacker has made it impossible for me to upload it  (sourceforge has still not restored CVS access). When I can, it will be called cfgGen.bat and will live in the win32 directory. Until then, I have included the code below…

    if "%RCSLIB_DIR%" == "" GOTO ERROR

    set CurDir=%~dp0
    if not "%1" == "" (set ConfigOut=%1)

    cd ..\etc
    "%RCSLIB_DIR%"\bin\nmlcfg moastSect.cfg moastSvr.cfg moastVeh.cfg moastBuffers.cfg moastPrim.cfg moastServo.cfg moastTools.cfg spqr.cfg spqrBuffers.cfg moastAM.cfg -o %ConfigOut%
    cd %CurDir%
    @ECHO "RCSLIB_DIR not set. Please set!"

  • Guo Hong

    Guo Hong - 2011-02-07

    Thanks for the bat file!
    Now I am able to make multiple robot´s communication due to reading the buffers.

    Last time the velocity didn´t work and you fixed it, so it can be accessed, since I normally just test it with a command vel 1 0, so I wasn´t aware of that the speed has been fixed somehow, namely it is always around 0.1, even though I change the input to 2.0 or something else.  I used this command to control P3AT.

    Moreover, I saw that in moast.ini, the max. velocity has been set to 2.5, if I want to change the max. velocity of the vehicle, is this the only thing that I must modify?


  • Stephen Balakirsky

    It took me a while to find this one…
    If you run the servo shell and go to mob (type mob at the prompt) you can then look at the vehicle settings. Do this with the command "settings". You will see that there is an entry called "Max Wheel Rotation Velocity" that is set by the simulation. Even if MOAST commands a higher velocity, it will not drive faster then this. To change this value, you must go into the USARSim code and change the parameter in the .uc script (and then recompile USARSim).

    If you correctly change this value, you should see the value change in the servo shell.

  • Guo Hong

    Guo Hong - 2011-02-09

    Hi, thanks for the reply! It did help me.
    I have tried to change the P3AT.ut in Src/USARBot/classes.
    What happens is following;
    - the MaxTorque does change in servo shell when I modified the value in P3AT.ut, but the value of "Max Wheel Rotation Velocity" won't change in any case, whether one modify ut, or UTUSAR.ini file or not
    - the vehicle's real max. velocity doesn't change when I modified the variable "MaxDSpeed" in P3AT.ut, but will change when I change the variable "MaxDspeed" in UTUSAR.ini under . And the relationship between the value of "MaxDspeed" here and the real max speed of the robot is 10:1

    Thanks again!


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