
Using ESC key to stop animations

  • Glenn Randers-Pehrson

    There's a bug report on bugzilla (#323860) that ESC fails to stop MNG animations. I just tried with seamonkey on FreeBSD with the latest 1.9a1 patch from mngzilla, and ESC does indeed stop simple ms.png and ie.png animations at
    The bug report was about the animations at
    which happen to be very long. Those seemed to stop for me as well but it's hard to tell because
    I was on a very sluggish system.

    • Glenn Randers-Pehrson

      Using the latest mahowi build of Firefox on a more responsive Windows XP platform, the scrolling MNGs and the other smaller MNGs from simplesystems that I mentioned previously are stopped immediately by using the ESC key.

    • Glenn Randers-Pehrson

      ESC seems to not interrupt MNG animations if about:config shows image.animation.mode == "once".


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