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RPM Packages for MMC 0.5

Now there are RedHat Packages available for MMC.

Get them from the download page, reachable from

Posted by Anonymous 2001-01-28

MMC 0.5 is there!

I just released MMC 0.5.
This is a great new release.
It fixes many bugs (see\), and, most important, it finally supports IMAP!

Debian packages will hopefully be there soon.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-01-25

Debian Packages for MMC 0.4-1 available!

We've got now Debian Packages!

You can get them at

Unfortunately, the file release doesn't currently work, so I can't get the files to

Posted by Anonymous 2000-12-12

I'm not dead...

To all of you who think that development has stopped:
It hasn't.

I just didn't have much time recently to continue programming.

Now, though, I have more time.

Expect a new Release in the next two weeks, maybe even with IMAP Support.

Posted by Anonymous 2000-10-24

MMC 0.4 Released

Finally it's done - there's been a long time since the last release.
But it was worth waiting.
There have been many, many improvements.
We added multiple folder support and an addressbook, to mention only two.

See for the download!

Posted by Anonymous 2000-06-26