
Word Wrap/Screenwidth

  • Jacob Gregory

    Jacob Gregory - 2010-06-12

    Is there any way to set the WW or Screenwidth in either MM2k or v2.6? I've
    looked in all the documentation I could find but haven't found anything
    relevent yet.

  • Ghoti

    Ghoti - 2010-06-12

    There isn't an explicit session option or script command to override the word
    wrap. Word wrap is calculated internally based on the actual width of the
    session screen and the character width of the font in use. The number of
    characters in a line is calculated based on the font text metric
    "tmAveCharWidth" and the display width minus the width of a vertical scrollbar
    (which could exist).

    I suppose this means you could use a custom font that lies about its width to
    override the wrap.

  • Jacob Gregory

    Jacob Gregory - 2010-06-14

    Ok...bummer. Guess I'll need to look at other clients then. The mud I play,
    well one of the idiots in charge decided that the mud didn't need to handle
    all wrapping anymore; that it was up to the various mudclients to do it.
    Needless to say, it looks like total #@$! and I can't deal with it on MM any
    longer--it's just one migraine after another trying to read it.

  • ghoti

    ghoti - 2010-06-15

    Does this mean you want to keep the mudmaster window very wide while having
    the text only reach part way across the line?

    I guess i'm not sure why you don't size the mudmaster window or the session
    window within mudmaster to a width where the lines wrap where you want them
    to. I might be misunderstanding your requirement.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-21

    Without the capability to do multi-line triggers, I find myself having to set
    my mud's wrapwidth to zero if I want to accurately capture a message that may
    wrap over to the next line. Playing on a widescreen monitor means that if you
    keep the window maximized, like I prefer to to minimize distractions, that
    reading your game becomes quite irritating. Some way to make it wrap at 80ish
    characters even with a wrapwidth of zero would be very nice.

    I've brute-forced it by resizing the window, but it's just not the same. :(
    Not as nice as some kind of multi-line trigger support, but nice

  • Khizan

    Khizan - 2010-07-21

    That was me up above. For example, the who list will wrap with a wrapwidth of
    zero as

    Aaslef, Aethaor, Aislygn, Akkina, Aoede, Azefel, Cromwell, Culama, Dax, Drozogoth, Dulrahn, Esche, Gar
    ed, Havamal, Hiso, Iobelia, Jaeda, Jarrhn, Jasmina, Jazzster, Julius, Karyn, Kievas, Kildory, Krystali
    a, Kurayami, Lemi, Leranad, Lunari, Mikihide, Nicholai, Oburi, Orius, Pareze, Praetoris, Ranai, Rayala
    n, Rumal, Sadie, Sapphias, Sarek, Sophitia, Sorak, Sorin, Sulphius, Synna, Toron, Tridian, Yanna, Zaig
    ou, Zayn, Zerin, and Zyran.

    That chops names and words up horribly and generally makes it frustrating to

  • ghoti

    ghoti - 2010-07-21

    Does this mean that if a wrap width feature was added we'd need to have it
    only wrap at word breaks to avoid splitting words?

  • ghoti

    ghoti - 2010-07-21

    I have added the ability to set the length at which lines will wrap. This will
    be a terminal setting in version 4.2.4.


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