

andrea monacchi

Welcome to the Mjölnir Wiki.

Project Members:

Here is a list of features planned for the next versions:

** version 0.4**
* Integration with IFTTT
* support for events of kind: device usage, occupancy, unusual consumption pattern
* anomaly detection: show if a device is running less or longer than the average (+- threshold) duration
* restyle of the android app
* integration with MongoDB

version 0.5
* OAuth login via social networks (FB, G+, Twitter)
* Support friendship relationship (user1, user2 pairs)
* Comparison with friends in terms of consumption
* Push notifications integrated with the dashboard
* Performance (goal-setting) widget
* Regional competition means (comparison of building performance on map, building and regional competition)
* Ambient interface (machine readable data)

version 0.6
* Add spatial information for buildings (address, or even GPS coordinates)
* Support for electric vehicles (showing the charging status and occupation of public charging stations)
* Demand response messaging
* Demand response challenges

** Old versions **

** version 0.3 **
* Device control and status information using websockets
* Modeling of circuit-level measurements
* Modeling of building and room information
* Room-based consumption widget
* Added a timeserie widget showing current power wrt average registered
* Calendar view to show consumption and production

** version 0.2 **
* Responsive version using Bootstrap
* Refactoring of multiple widgets
* MVC (Model View Controller) structure
* Annotation of data using the nilm metadata vocabulary
* Added a cost-report widget
* Added the tariff switch widget
* Added appliance usage and occupancy models
* Added advisor widget

** version 0.1.1 **
* added share/like butons
* bug solving for the REST interface
* added possibility to upload a CSV file
* Support for public page
* Possibility to export summary on external page

** version 0.1 **
* Initial version