
Minsky's schema

High Performance Coder

The format for the Minksy file (.mky extension) is documented as an XML schema at The current schema version is 1.

A UML representation of the schema can be found here.

By following this schema, you can create other tools that can interact with Minsky.


  • Minsky does not care what order elements are presented in, although schema validators (eg xmllint) do

  • Minsky does not care if elements are missing (it substitutes default values), and ignores additional elements

  • Leading and trailing whitespace on element fields are trimmed.

  • If an element is missing, but an attribute of the same name is present, the Minsky will use that. So the following two code snippets are handled identically:

    <Minsky schemaVersion="1">

  • The Layout vector contains optional visual layout information, so tools that do not care about layout can ignore this. In the fullness of time, Minsky will provide an auto-layout functionality to allow the import of Minsky files with patial, or even no layout information.

  • The layout vector elements have entirely optional elements, except for the one mandatory element id, which refers to the id of the minskyModel element the layout element is describing.


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