
#937 minsky install unsuccessful on mac

John Greene

i downloaded the minsky .pkg file onto my mac. i double clicked the icon (while it was still in the downloads folder) and got a dialog that said it would guide me through install. i followed prompts and it said it successfully installed minsky. a minsky icon appeared in my apps folder, but when i double click the icon, the mac acts like it's starting a new app - icons move over for a second in dock - but then no new app icon appears on the dock and the other icons move back. i look in 'force quit' and there is no entry for minsky, i.e., minsky is apparently not running. i also tried double clicking a minsky file i downloaded, to see if that would invoke minsky, no luck.

please advise - maybe i am not doing the install process correctly?



  • John Greene

    John Greene - 2018-12-03

    my mac is running 10.13.6, mac OS high sierra

  • John Greene

    John Greene - 2018-12-03

    the pkg i downloaded (today) is minsky-2.8-mac-dist.pkg

  • High Performance Coder

    • status: open --> dup
  • High Performance Coder

    This is a dup of

    I'll post some more information on that ticket.

  • John Greene

    John Greene - 2018-12-03

    thanks hpc,

    i followed the instrux you gave in the dup, copied items from lib to macOS folder. now minsky opens.

    however, i tried to open a .mky file i had previously downloaded and that file didn't work (it opened but minsky crashed). i don't know if the file i downloaded has a problem or if something else is wrong with my install. now i'm seeing if i can create a model in the work canvas - just starting with minsky so it will take a while to figure it out. i will also try downloading other examples and see if they run.

    thanks for your help!

  • John Greene

    John Greene - 2018-12-03

    i was getting crashes so i deleted (uninstalled) and reinstalled minsky. (including copy paste of lib items to MacOS folder). then i downloaded a different model, one that steve keen had posted at patreon. this model is called Model00HouseholdsFirmsGovernmentMaxMinGDP.mky.

    the model is running now. minsky install seems successful.

    thanks again for your help,



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