
#471 Makefile doesn't detect if it is in conventional directory for Debian Jessie


On a Debian gnu/linux system the usual place to put the file would be in the directory /usr/lib/tcltk/Tktable2.11, which would parallel the place that the Debian package tk-table version 2.10 puts its libraries. However the Makefile as written doesn't look for them there.


  • High Performance Coder

    IIUC, TkTable doesn't have a conventional install directory. Provided the .so file is placed in one of the conventional lib directories (/usr/lib, /usr/lib64, /usr/local/lib, $HOME/usr/lib) Minsky should find it.

  • High Performance Coder

    Sorry - I didn't read your note. Debian is weird. /usr/lib/tcltk is a very unusual directory.

  • High Performance Coder

    But feel free to submit a patch, or a pull request on github.

  • Bernard Hurley

    Bernard Hurley - 2015-07-28

    Actually it might make more sense if I made Debian packages for Tktable-2.11, ecolab and Minsky and put them in a ppr together with the older version igraph. Most Debian users wouldn't do the fiddling about necessary to get them working that I have been doing. It's some years since I have constructed any Debian packages but, from what I recall it's not very difficult, just tedious and messy.

    It should then be possible to convert them to Ubuntu packages as the formats are very similar. I have never actually done that but most Ubuntu packages are derived from Debian packages so there are plenty of people around who could help if I get stuck.

  • High Performance Coder

    Firstly, it is not necessary to include igraph in Minsky, as it is not used (yet) by Minsky (There is a ticket open for doing autolayout of models, which might well use an igraph layout algorithm).

    To avoid linking to igraph, specify IGRAPH= on the make line (might need to be specified for building Minsky as well).

    Secondly, debian packages for Ecolab, TkTable and Minsky can be found at

    It might save you some time and effort :).

  • High Performance Coder

  • Bernard Hurley

    Bernard Hurley - 2015-07-30

    Something tells me that these pacckages have not been derived from Debian Source packages. I wouldn't normally even attempt to install them as it's virtually impossible to tell if whatever tool has produced them has included some non-free code or that they conform to the Debian guidelines. They may still work, but that's not the issue.

    I would rather construct something that has a hope of getting into the main Debian repository.

    • High Performance Coder

      On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:09:21PM +0000, Bernard Hurley wrote:

      Something tells me that these pacckages have not been derived from Debian Source packages. I wouldn't normally even attempt to install them as it's virtually impossible to tell if whatever tool has produced them has included some non-free code or that they conform to the Debian guidelines. They may still work, but that's not the issue.

      I would rather construct something that has a hope of getting into the main Debian repository.

      I know they don't conform to Debian guidelines. I get heaps of warning
      messages about non-conformance, with precious little, if any
      information about how to fix it. I fixed all the errors that prevented
      the packages from building in the first place - and that took like
      forever. The RPM .spec files were bad enough, but positively sane
      compared with Debian.

      Some way through that experience, I abandoned all hope of ever getting
      this stuff into the main repositories.

      You can rest easy about non-free code being used. They are all ports
      of debian packaging tools to the openSUSE operating system.

      Actually, if you do delve into this, I'd love to see what you came
      upwith for the debian/control and debian/rules files that I can
      improve my own packages.


      Prof Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
      Principal, High Performance Coders
      Visiting Professor of Mathematics
      University of New South Wales

  • Bernard Hurley

    Bernard Hurley - 2015-08-02

    Debian is very fussy. I last used their package tools seriously about eight years ago and I am told they are easier to use now! Actually the real problem with Debian is the lack of decent documentation.

    I'll have a go at producing some Debian complient packages. ecolab and Minsky will have to go into separate packages as they have different licenses and there will also have to be -doc -dev and -dbg packages, but from what I can remember, once you have it all set up it's comparatively easy to deal with updates. bug fixes etc.

  • High Performance Coder

    • priority: 5 --> 4normal
  • High Performance Coder

    • Milestone: Cantillon --> Quesnay
  • High Performance Coder

    • Milestone: Quesnay --> Backlog
  • High Performance Coder

    • status: open --> wont-fix


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