
#604 Cannot read properties error

Steve Keen

This has frozen the program. I had hoped to use this file on the podcast in ten minutes' time,

3 Attachments


  • Steve Keen

    Steve Keen - 2024-06-18

    RVL file

  • Steve Keen

    Steve Keen - 2024-06-18

    Data files.

  • Steve Keen

    Steve Keen - 2024-06-18

    I can't shut the program down. I think we need a "cancel" button on the resetting window.

  • Steve Keen

    Steve Keen - 2024-06-18

    The offending process seems to be getting 0% of processor time.

  • Steve Keen

    Steve Keen - 2024-06-18

    Just what we need at the moment: it appears to be a Heisenbug! The file loaded fine on the next attempt.

  • High Performance Coder

    This is a javascript error - it saying the attribute _window doesn't exist as the code is expecting.

    The only place _window is mentioned is the ready handler on the progress bar that injects the cancel button. By that stage, the window should exist, so it is a peculiar error message. I'll add a ? to the accessor, which basically means ignore this error if it occurs (should be rare). Pressing OK on the error reporting box should allow the system to go normally, but maybe if the ready handler fails it causes other problems.

    I don't think there's anything else we can do - this scenario won't be reproducible.

  • High Performance Coder

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: High Performance Coder

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