
#1666 mouse doesn't seem to respond


Just downloaded 3.2.0-alpha.17.

As long as I keep working in a full screen, it seems to work fine.
But making the screen less than max (so I can switch it to my other monitor), seems to freeze the program. Even after I have maxed the screen again.

The other softwares no longer seem to respond either. Using ALT-TAB I notice a dialogue box that I hadn't seen and that variously tells me the mouse coördinates (MouseX: 1149 MouseY: 375), another one I got was whether I wanted to save the model, but that probably got there because i tried to close the program.


  • High Performance Coder

    Could be the same as

    ISTM that Windows is not displaying a modal dialog box when in full screen mode. Modal dialog boxes will block the the program until the dialog is acknowledged. They're supposed to always be shown on top.

  • High Performance Coder

    I'm moving this to minsky tickets, as it is not really a ravel issue.

  • High Performance Coder

    Ticket moved from /p/minsky/ravel/403/

    Can't be converted:

    • _priority: 6normal
  • High Performance Coder

    • priority: 6normal --> 1fatal
    • Milestone: Pascal --> Marx
  • High Performance Coder

    I've been trying to put minsky into a situation where the modal dialog box is hidden. Alt-left-mouse creates the dialog - its basically a debugging trick, but whenever I do that, the modal dialog is posted right on top, and the only thing you can do is click OK to dismiss it, or move it.

    Could it be something to do with having dual monitors? I don't have dual monitors, nor anyway really of setting such a thing up, as virtual machines only have the one screen.

    In case it is relevant, which version of Windows are you running? I'm using Windows 11.

  • TomScat

    TomScat - 2023-10-24

    I'm running Windows 10 (Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045)

    I work with dual screens.
    I'll change my setup after work this evening and test it with a single screen.

  • TomScat

    TomScat - 2023-10-25
  • TomScat

    TomScat - 2023-10-25

    I changed my setup so I had one screen and tested.
    I experienced none of the problems I had with the dual monitor setup.

  • High Performance Coder

    • priority: 1fatal --> 5low
    • Milestone: Marx --> Backlog
  • High Performance Coder

    I shall leave this open and backlogged. I cannot replicate a dual screen setup with my kit - my hardware doesn't support it, and even if it did, my chosen window manager doesn't support it (I could reboot into KDE for testing purposes, which does suport it, but then I wouldn't have an easy option of running windows in dual screen mode).

    My suspicion is that the underlying toolkit we use (electron, running on node) is popping up modal dialogs on the primary monitor, even if the application is displayed on a second monitor. The modal dialog will capture all mouse/keyboard events - that's what modals do. Eschewing modals is also not the answer. They contain information that must be acknowledged by the user. Since I cannot support dual screens, people using Minsky on dual screens just need to be aware of this behaviour, and go hunting for any open modal dialogs.

    I have a similar issue on FVWM, my chosen window manager. It is very easy to bring a window forward to obscure a modal dialog, so if I find keyboard/mouse appears locked, that's the first thing I go looking for.

  • TomScat

    TomScat - 2023-10-27

    I changed my setup so I had one screen and tested.
    I experienced none of the problems I had with the dual monitor setup.

  • TomScat

    TomScat - 2023-10-27

    I have been testing Minsky 3.2.0-alpha.18.

    First impression was that this bug was solved, but tried a couple of things and it's still there.
    The problem starts when going to either the plot or the Godley tables.

    The modal dialogue box is there somewhere, but it is hard to get it to the front. Usually trying with ALT-TAB things start to change.

    One of my screens is my laptop, which is smaller than my second screen. That's the reason I have it at 125%. I have tried switching it back to 100% and tested, but that didn't make any difference.

  • High Performance Coder

    Which dialog window is being hidden? Is it the usual error dialog?

    Note the solution might lie on this page:

  • TomScat

    TomScat - 2023-10-30

    A screenshot of the dialog window.

    I have made a dump file when I had to stop Ravel. If you like or it is useful to you I'll upload it here. (if that works :D )

    I'll check out the solution later today.



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