
#228 limited scrolling

javascript (27)

Scrolling doesn't work well. It frequently locks and just keeps scrolling. We could have an option to limit scrolling to the area the model takes, disabling it when we want to expand this area


  • Pedro Pratas

    Pedro Pratas - 2023-11-23

    For me this is really one of the most frustrating issues using Minsky, scrolling through the canvas is painful...

    • Steve Keen

      Steve Keen - 2023-11-23

      Good to have you back though!

      Have you tried zooming out and back in again?

      Also USE BOOKMARKS. And check Tyrone Keynes’s models. He does a beautiful
      job of designing models, uses bookmarks to organise them. I agree the lack
      of easy scrolling is a pain, but better design gets around it.

      I’m guessing this is you being back on Minsky for your PhD? Now is the time
      to improve layout then.

  • Pedro Pratas

    Pedro Pratas - 2023-11-23

    Eheh, sry just remembered this today after a bad day on that regard in Minsky :)

    Yes, I use a lot of bookmarks. I have seen Tyrone models, they are great. I have to take some lessons with him on that, my models are the ugliest. I'm going to send you my latest version via email and give you an update. Cheers!

  • High Performance Coder

    Yeah - not sure what to do about that. Personally, I find panning to be more useful than the scroll bars, albeit less discoverable. The problem with the scroll bars has to do with these windows basically being web browsers, and they do funky things with scroll bars, including hiding them when it thinks they're not needed.

  • Pedro Pratas

    Pedro Pratas - 2023-11-23

    But is panning possible in Minsky or am I reading that wrong?

    • Steve Keen

      Steve Keen - 2023-11-23

      Hold the shift key down and you can move the whole screen with the mouse.

  • Pedro Pratas

    Pedro Pratas - 2023-11-23

    Ah, great, thanks!

  • High Performance Coder

    • labels: --> javascript

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