
Assistance with documentation

  • Hedley Finger

    Hedley Finger - 2020-07-20

    Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Bionic Beaver
    Minsky 2.19.0.beta.17

    I am too old to learn Tcl/Tk, economics, and advanced maths. However, I was a technical writer developing online help and print manuals for telecommunications testing hardware and software (HP), millenium bug patches & insurance policy management (NAB), telecommunications switch controllers including call tapping (Ericsson),antarctic bases building program (AIP), and accounting and bookkeeping software (MYOB). Previous to that I was a publisher and book editor for educational textbooks at Macmillan.

    I believe I can assist with the Minsky help files by editing for clarity, spelling, and grammar, and suggesting improvements. I would need access only to the help LaTeX source on Github, but not the Tcl files. I would need to learn LaTeX and have installed TeXmaker, TeXstudio, and LyX on my laptop for comparison. I have used SVN but not Git.

    Would someone advise how to begin, please?


    • High Performance Coder

      Thanks Hedley, that would be most welcome.

      As for learning LaTeX, I can thoroughly recommend Leslie Lamport's book

      It took me about 3 days from zero to having written my first paper
      using this book. The book is clearly written, concise and has a dash
      of humour, very much a paradigm for computing reference books.

      The WYSIWYG tools you mention are probably good, although I can't
      personally recommend them. I'm a hard-core CLI guy, and just run
      latex/pdflatex on the command line.

      As for git, there are some good introductory guides on Github. You
      have at least some idea about source code management system with SVN,
      git however is a whole other level of beast. The way it works is that
      you "fork" a copy of the Minsky repository on Github, then "clone" a
      copy of that repository to your local machine. Finally, you checkout
      the repository at a particular commit hash (or named branch or tag),
      which is your working copy. When you have made your changes, "commit"
      your changes to your local repository, then "push" your repository to
      your github forked repository, and finally, when you're ready, create
      a "pull request". When I get a pull request, I will review the changes
      by eye, check that the changed code passes the regression test suite
      (called "continuous integration"), possibly request changes, and if
      all good, "merge" your pull request into Minsky's master branch. One
      of the regression tests checks that the documentation is syntacticly
      correct LaTeX. Note that your fork, and the locally cloned copy, are
      full copies of the Minsky code repository. It is possible to
      completely regenerate the Minsky development environment from these
      copies, so the code is safe in the unlikely event that Microsoft
      deletes all the github accounts in a pique of anger.

      FYI - github is rolling out a change to the name "master branch" to
      "main branch", as a measure of sensitivity towards those whose
      ancestors suffered under slavery. I don't have a strong feeling one
      way or the other over this - my country never engaged in slavery, but
      if the "mob" feels this is a good way of going, I have no problem with
      that. But for now, Minsky's main branch is still called "master".

      Again, for git, I just use the command line, surprise, surprise
      :). But I remember my son Hal downloaded github desktop, and was able
      to use that effectively (may be Windows only, not sure). Also
      Atlassian have a similar product called SourceTree, that my colleagues
      at Rapiscan (who are mostly Windows users) use quite extensively.

      Translation of LaTeX to HTML takes place using the
      LaTeX2HTML tool, which is large perl script. It would probably be
      worth while installing that tool as well, to ensure that the HTML
      output looks OK in the browser, as that is the primary means people
      will read it.

      We use the SourceForge tickets system. A few of these are documentation related:

      One last thing: Minsky's help system is context sensitive, ie pressing
      F1 when hovering the mouse over various items of the interface takes
      you to the relevant part fo the manual. There is a perl script which
      runs over the HTML files produced by latex2html and generates a TCL
      database that makes that all work. Probably a little detailed for you,
      but just so you know, there are scattered \ref{} commands in the LaTeX
      files that generate the appropriate HTML anchors that make this system

      Again - welcome aboard!


      On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 10:49:46AM -0000, Hedley Finger wrote:

      Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Bionic Beaver
      Minsky 2.19.0.beta.17

      I am too old to learn Tcl/Tk, economics, and advanced maths. However, I was a
      technical writer developing online help and print manuals for
      telecommunications testing hardware and software (HP), millenium bug patches &
      insurance policy management (NAB), telecommunications switch controllers
      including call tapping (Ericsson),antarctic bases building program (AIP), and
      accounting and bookkeeping software (MYOB). Previous to that I was a publisher
      and book editor for educational textbooks at Macmillan.

      I believe I can assist with the Minsky help files by editing for clarity,
      spelling, and grammar, and suggesting improvements. I would need access only to
      the help LaTeX source on Github, but not the Tcl files. I would need to learn
      LaTeX and have installed TeXmaker, TeXstudio, and LyX on my laptop for
      comparison. I have used SVN but not Git.

      Would someone advise how to begin, please?



      Assistance with documentation


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