
How to export values from a simulation?

  • dp118m

    dp118m - 2018-10-19


    Imagine I want to run the simulation of Portuguese economy and then export the outputs.

    How can I do it?

    I tried the following:

    1. Run the simulation so that some values are displayed in the plot.

    Screenshot 1

    1. Right-click the "Export as CSV".

    The result is an error message "invalid command name \"exportItemAsCSV\"".

    Screenshot 2

    Thanks in advance

    Dmitri Pisarenko

    • High Performance Coder

      The result is an error message "invalid command name \"exportItemAsCSV\"".

      Whoops - that one slipped passed QA:

      The command should be exportAsCSV. If you're handy with a text editor,
      you can replace both instances of exportItemAsCSV in the file

      Also, please raise a ticket.

      Also, in the meantime, you can also enable loggin of the simulation,
      and select the variables you want to log to a file.


      Dr Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
      Principal, High Performance Coders
      Visiting Senior Research Fellow
      Economics, Kingston University

      • dp118m

        dp118m - 2018-10-20

        The command should be exportAsCSV. If you're handy with a text editor,
        you can replace both instances of exportItemAsCSV in the file

        In my wiring.tcl I only had one occurrence of exportItemAsCSV. I replaced it like you said, but it didn't help. You can find the resulting file in the attachment.

        I tried

        • .wiring.context add command -label "Export as CSV" -command "exportAsCSV" and
        • .wiring.context add command -label "Export as CSV" -command exportAsCSV
      • dp118m

        dp118m - 2018-10-20

        Also, please raise a ticket.

        Done. It's issue nr. 899.

        Also, in the meantime, you can also enable loggin of the simulation,
        and select the variables you want to log to a file.

        Thanks, that worked.


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