
#2 Portable pspsdk


I have seen that at least the psp-gdc requires pspsdk to be at \pspsdk. Could it be possible to make it portable. Allowing to decompress all the files in any arbitrary folder and being able to use from there.

BTW. Very good work!
I'm working on porting all the C samples into D.
You can check it there:

Keep up the good work!


  • Paulo Lopes

    Paulo Lopes - 2011-01-12

    That is a gcc-gdc bug, it only happens on windows and there was no fix yet, once the upstream project fixes it i will pull it.

  • Paulo Lopes

    Paulo Lopes - 2011-01-12
    • status: open --> pending
  • Paulo Lopes

    Paulo Lopes - 2011-01-12

    I will try to integrate your samples with the SDK. I do not plan to copy your code, instead the build script should check it out from your SVN at build time, this way we are sure we are always in sync

  • soywiz

    soywiz - 2011-01-12

    Ok. First I have to fix some things and include the PHP interpreter inside the psp-gdc folder. The emulator allows to execute .elf and EBOOT.PBP files directly just executing "pspemu_normal.exe <path_of_the_executable>" so it's great for testing. Tough still needs lots of works to achieve much more compatibility.

  • soywiz

    soywiz - 2011-01-12
    • status: pending --> open
  • soywiz

    soywiz - 2011-01-13

    I have added more samples and ported another bunch of headers.
    I'm having troubles with the module "std.file"/"std.path" while porting kernel/cwd demo.
    It seems that that module checks a "Windows" or "Unix" version. -fversion=Unix and if none of both is found, it will make a static assert(0);.
    I think the best way is probably tell D it's Unix.

    You can try the problem with this sample:

    And compiling with -fversion=Unix produces this error:
    /pspsdk/lib/gcc/psp/4.3.5/../../../../include/d/4.3.5\std\c\unix\unix.d:27: Error: module unix cannot read file 'gcc\config\unix.d'

    It seems that that module is required in several other modules.


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