
highlight of a span within a span

  • george karystianis


    just a quick question:

    i have this sentence:

    prevalence of diabetes is 200

    i have written some rules to highlight diabetes but i want also to highlight 200.
    I was wondering if i could do the following:

    defSpanType X=:
    ...eq('prevalence') eq('of')[ eq('diabetes') ]eq('is')...;
    defSpanType Y =:
    defSpanType Y =:
    ...[@x @y)]...;

    It seems though that it doesn't work. Is there a way to highlight two different words through one span? Apparently my way is not working. Is it because i am putting two different spans together and minorthird considers them to be right next to each other? I have been trying quite some time to do this.

    Any help will be deeply appreciated!


  • Frank Lin

    Frank Lin - 2011-11-22

    An annotation must be a contiguous span of text.

  • george karystianis



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