
#25 Samsung support with optional Thumbnails

Anduras AG


I updated the Samsung patch from randomcore to apply against the latest CVS tree.
Additional I made the thumbnailing support (via libffmpegthumbnailer) optional. You can
activate/deactivate the support for this feature in the Makefile. In this case a static image
will be sent.

Hopefully this will speed up the integration process...



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  • Dr. Manfred Fux

    Dr. Manfred Fux - 2011-01-25

    I tried to run minidlna with this patch on openSUSE 11.3 but it won't work with my Samsung BluRay player (BD-C8200S).
    I have configured only a video directory. Trying to browse in this directory, the player software hangs up.
    When I do the same with the Samsung PC Share Manager (running in a Windows XP Virtual Machine) it works.
    Beside the debug.log I captured the network communication with wireshark in both cases. Where can I put the files for your analysis?
    I guess you will find some differences.

    I have also the problem that I have to stop the Suse firewall. Otherwise minidlna will not receive a message from the player (but wireshark does). Although minidlna seems to listen on the port.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The problem with the BlueRay Players is known. I'm working on it.
    Please send me the Wireshark dump. I already have one, but more (and possibly different ones)
    are better! I will contact you...
    Regarding the Firewall: You must open the port from outside to allow access to minidlna.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Applying your patch, and then replacing genRootDescSamsung to genRootDesc at line 810 as described in earlier comment (does not) have effect of disabling patch.

    All this patch mod does is change the XML preamble in HTTP responses to client requests. It is the custom Samsung XML preamble that is confusing my Samsung blu-ray player. The rest of the patch works beautifully (thumbnails do work etc.) when this one line is edited.

    Best Regards,
    Grateful user of your patch on my BD-C6500

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-02-01

    Hi "nobody"...

    I tried to track the problem down with a second user owning a BD-C8200S. It turned out, that he had to
    upgrade his firmware to solve the problem. The new firmware was released at 30.11.2010.
    So just to be sure: Do you have the newest firmware?

    If you so: Please contact me, to get two new addtional patches to test.


  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-02-06

    Hi "Rick nobody"!

    I got a report, that the hack to change line 810 does not work, because the
    thumbnails on the chapters are missing! Can you confirm this? (With PC-Share
    Manager you should see chapter thumbnails of the movie. A working minidlna
    should provide these too. The change minidlna does not...)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi anduras , can you update the patch for current cvs? It no longer applies..
    great job btw, I'm getting all the features enabled on my samsung c670 tv lan connected to dns-320 nas :)

  • Michael Tsikerdekis

    Hey everybody i have weird problem. I am using the patch for 1,5 month now and everything was working superb till yesterday.
    For some reason without me chaning anything the tv wouldnt not load the list with the files and it will crash(yes it stucks on loading and it goes into a reboot). The tv is L37C650

    I use the same exact minidlna bin file that i use for all this time. Also i made no changes in anything. I also know that is not the files. Finally there was a new firmware out for samsung so i said maybe its the firmware and i upgraded but still nothing.

    The error is this:

    [2011/02/16 02:09:26] upnpsoap.c:1677: warn: SoapMethod: Unknown: X_GetObjectIDfromIndex
    [2011/02/16 02:09:26] upnpsoap.c:1725: warn: Returning UPnPError 401: Invalid Action

    The detail debug:

    [2011/02/16 09:49:01] upnphttp.c:768: debug: HTTP REQUEST: POST /ctl/ContentDir HTTP/1.0
    CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml;charset="utf-8"
    SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#X_GetObjectIDfromIndex"

    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:X_GetObjectIDfromIndex xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"><CategoryType>30</CategoryType><Index>0</Index></u:X_GetObjectIDfromIndex></s:Body></s:Envelope>

    [2011/02/16 09:49:01] upnphttp.c:611: debug: SOAPAction: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#X_GetObjectIDfromIndex
    [2011/02/16 09:49:01] upnpsoap.c:1665: debug: SoapMethod: X_GetObjectIDfromIndex
    [2011/02/16 09:49:01] upnpsoap.c:1677: warn: SoapMethod: Unknown: X_GetObjectIDfromIndex
    [2011/02/16 09:49:01] upnpsoap.c:1725: warn: Returning UPnPError 401: Invalid Action
    [2011/02/16 09:49:01] upnphttp.c:1092: debug: HTTP RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
    Connection: close
    Content-Length: 398
    Server: Ubuntu/10.10 DLNADOC/1.50 UPnP/1.0 MiniDLNA/1.0

    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><s:Fault><faultcode>s:Client</faultcode><faultstring>UPnPError</faultstring><detail><UPnPError xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0"><errorCode>401</errorCode><errorDescription>Invalid Action</errorDescription></UPnPError></detail></s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>
    [2011/02/16 09:49:04] minidlna.c:1057: debug: HTTP connection from
    [2011/02/16 09:49:04] upnphttp.c:156: debug: Client found in cache. [type 3/entry 0]
    [2011/02/16 09:49:04] upnphttp.c:768: debug: HTTP REQUEST: POST /ctl/ContentDir HTTP/1.0
    CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml;charset="utf-8"
    SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#X_GetFeatureList"

    <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:X_GetFeatureList xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"></u:X_GetFeatureList></s:Body></s:Envelope>

    [2011/02/16 09:49:04] upnphttp.c:611: debug: SOAPAction: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#X_GetFeatureList
    [2011/02/16 09:49:04] upnpsoap.c:1665: debug: SoapMethod: X_GetFeatureList
    [2011/02/16 09:49:04] upnphttp.c:1092: debug: HTTP RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Some said that it might be a user agent problem but i know that is not since before the upgrade the user agent was USER-AGENT: DLNADOC/1.50
    and after the upgrade it was USER-AGENT: SEC_HHP_TV-37C650/1.0
    and the error persisted in both cases and since i didnt do anything to change the firmware before the error occured we can exclude that as a probable reason.

    Any ideas what else it might be?

  • Michael Tsikerdekis

    The problem seems to be fixed.
    I used at first the original dlna and opened the media player.
    Afterwards i shutdown the original and i opened the patched and everything work excellent. I forced -R for both cases.
    I have no idea what it was. Maybe the tv was stuck trying to sort the list and it needed to be unblocked by running another dlna server?

  • Japers

    Japers - 2011-02-19

    Damn, I've just updated my system and minidlna has stopped working with MKV files, exact same problem as reported as tuxfusion here:

    Seems my newer ffmpeg is reporting the files as "matroska, webm" instead of "matroska" and minidlna not happy about it. I've tried this patch against the CVS but it is now out of date...

    Anduras could you perhaps post a link to download the older CVS tar file that worked against this patch? You could update the patch but to be honest this seems a waste of your efforts until a major update!

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-02-19

    Updates Patch againt newest CVS (2011-02-19)

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-02-19


    I updated the patch to apply against the lastest CVS.

    The current state is the following:
    - It works as reported for all Samsung TVs
    - It works for some Samsung BlueRay Players
    a) The BD-C8200S works with the newest Firmware Release
    b) The BDP-C6500 does not work, because it seems to have problems
    parsing the genRootDescSamsung

    The BD-C8200S had the same problem (so it seems), but it's gone after the
    Firmware update.

    We have now the following options:
    1) Hope that Samsung fixes the problem.
    2) Search for the cause of the problem (which is difficult for me, because I'm not owning a BlueRay Player).
    3) Disable the Samsung Extensions on the problematic Samsung BlueRay players (white- or blacklist).

    Any preferences?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    works fine here , thanks very much , just two thing..
    I had to checkout to 20110217 to apply the days after it won't apply since Justin is working a lot :D
    I had to remove from the patch the config.h part since I cross-compile with scripts that do checkout and patch and then autogen the source , so config.h is missing in my case...

    I really hope this patch gets some love from Justin and get merged
    great job to all anyway , minidlna is working great from my dns-320 with cs08q1armel optware install..
    you can find the patched package and ffmpegthumbnailer here

  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2011-02-20

    I'm actually all for including this in the standard release, but under the condition that it can't break any other players. At this point from what I understand it breaks BDP-Cx500, which is a very popular Blu-ray player, especially considering the ~$100 street price range. If we can figure out the issue with those players, then I'll feel a lot more comfortable including this patch.

  • David

    David - 2011-02-20

    Thanks to the three packages posted by nobody for optware I was able to load the latest patch on my NAS and test.

    It works with windows media player however my Samsung BD-C6500T Blueray player (Canadian version of the C6500) does not list any content with this version... It acts very strange... I used to get re prompted for video/music/pictures when selecting video on the player, but now when I select Video it jumps to the Music virtual folder structure and I am not able to browse videos at all.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks very very much anduras, my system is now working again! I did have to follow "nobody" 's comments re going back to 17/2/2011 - Justin has been busy indeed!

    I notice this patch doesn't have randomcore's "sort order bug" fix at post 22 on page 3 of the Samsung c650 thread. I suspect this patch will be difficult to include in the next release as it probably breaks the view for all other devices unless it can be used with a switch in minidlna.conf?

    I have never been able to make this patch work by editing upnpsoap.c (TV crashes), though I know it works as the version I downloaded for my separate Iomega NAS by fr3d (for FFP on post 24 of p3) works brilliantly. I would love my main system to incorporate this patch too!

    I don't suppose I could request a patch for this? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this request, just this seems the most relevant place to post!

    Thanks again for all you've already done!

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-02-20

    Updated Patch against CVS (2011-02-20). Please test!

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-02-21

    Updates Patch againt newest CVS (2011-02-21) with randomcore's SortingBug-Fix

  • FifiTheReal

    FifiTheReal - 2011-02-25


    Thanks minidlna stuff and this patchset!
    I have compiled version from CVS today and applied the
    It is working fine, however when don't show thumbnails of chapters like a stable 1.0.18 and minidlna.samsung_patch20101009_mta2 with my Samsung LE32C650. :-(

    Can you help me?

    Bye, FifiTheReal

  • FifiTheReal

    FifiTheReal - 2011-02-25

    Dear members,

    I have missed it. I tested the minidnla with CREATE_THUMBNAILS=no option and i have forgot to delete mta files.
    I deleted mta files, rebuilded database and work fine CVS version with and show me thumbnails of chapters.

    I'm sorry!

    Bye, FifiTheReal

  • S.Hillier

    S.Hillier - 2011-02-26

    I have a BD-C5500T (also Canadian) and while using the latest CVS image and samsung patch, I have the same video navigation issues as bagobones. If you make the change nobody mentions of changing genRootDescSamsung to genRootDesc now
    at line 813 of upnphttp.c it seems to work.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I agree with mangus. Everything seems to be working fine in this patch. Haven't tested subtitles though to be sure.
    The folders are not as fancy but still there is no sorting bug which is good.
    I have on problem though. It seems that even though i put some files under subfolders still they appear in the main folders directory.
    Is it because folders containing subfolders should always have some video file in them too?

  • David

    David - 2011-03-10

    As noted by my self and swhillier this patch completely breaks normal functions when used with the BD-C5500T or BD-C6500T

  • Sky d(-_-)b

    Sky d(-_-)b - 2011-03-18

    Does anyone already have a patch for the latest version (1.0.19)?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I would love to see this patch split up, it's seems it'll never be included into the main release as one large patch as it causes playback problems for other Sammy players. Perhaps separate patches could be created for subtitle support, bookmark support, thumbnails etc, in the hope that at least some of the features may be integrated. I'm trying to achieve this myself but I'm in way over my head. Even if only subtitle support made it into the main tree, that'd be a massive bonus (my little NAS can't handle thumbnail creation anyway!)

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