
PNG file not working

  • Tyler

    Tyler - 2013-04-17

    I'm trying to access a PNG file on my device from my computer, but it doesn't show up as present on MiniDLNA.  The JPEG images I added show fine.

    I've tried to force re-scan the directory

  • Craig Chambers

    Craig Chambers - 2013-04-18

    Do PNGs have a DLNA_PN?  It might be worth looking at the entry for the file in the DB

  • Tyler

    Tyler - 2013-04-18

    how can I open the database?

  • Tyler

    Tyler - 2013-04-18

    So I used: to browse the sqlite db file.

    I found no entry for any of the .png files which I added, does anyone have a png file that they know works?

  • hiero

    hiero - 2013-04-19

    At least currently, PNG is not supported. Only JPEG is supported for image file.


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