
want to install minidlna in openelec xbmc

  • Vishek

    Vishek - 2012-09-28


    I want to install minidlna in openelec, but it does not support apt-get command.
    Though I can copy & paste files in root & make any type of changes.

    Would appreciate if someone can help me to manually install it in openelec.


  • Craig Chambers

    Craig Chambers - 2012-10-01

    minidlna will run as a single binary with command parameters, but is easier configured with a configuration file to set the parameters instead.
    Pretty much all an installer does IIRC is install the binary and the config file in the right places for the system, install the system V init script, and perform the run level update (e.g. update-rc.d) to ensure it starts on boot etc.

    So all you need is the executable, a config file and an init script valid for the system.

    Despite having Openelec on my RPi, I'm not sure of what init script type it uses, or how to install and initialise them.

    My advice would be to stick with standard paths…
    /usr/sbin/minidlna for the binary
    /etc/minidlna.conf for the conf file.

    The default conf file can be found in the repository from the links above (Code > CVS browse > minidlna > minidlna.conf)

    You would then manually run it like this…

    /usr/sbin/minidlna -f /etc/minidlna.conf

    add sudo to the beginning if not running as root.

  • Craig Chambers

    Craig Chambers - 2012-10-11

    Scratch that.  I've now had a play and it looks like the advice above would not work (even with an ARM compiled binary).

    From the look of it, Openelec, as an embedded OS is custom compiled.  You would need to add minidlna to the openelec sources before compilation, then compile it all at once.


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