
#306 Minidlna 1.2 Network interface error

v1.0 (example)

May 30 20:21:09 minidlnad[1179]: getifaddr.c:109: error: Network interface enp2s0 not found

can you please fix this? I have tried various service scripts during startup, and if I comment out the line in the conf file, it listens on all network interface, wired and wireless, that is not good.


  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2017-06-09

    Make sure your network interface is up and configured with an ip address before starting minidlna.

  • Captain_Commando

    are you serious? I have used various startup scripts, and I have a static ip assigned to this work station for hosting media from, so yes, the ip is assigned long before minidlna tries to find the interface.

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2017-06-09

    How can someone else reproduce the bug? Post the steps needed to reproduce the issue. Does the issue exist only on your system or on other systems too? Do you get the same results with a fresh install? In a virtual machine? How about a different distro? You will have to provide more info to post a bug report.

    I cannot reproduce your issue on my system or in a VM using Fedora 25. network_interface option works fine.

    Three ways which will result in the error:
    1) Nonexistent network interface.
    2) Network interface is not up.
    3) Network interface is up but not configured properly (ip add, etc).

  • Captain_Commando

    to reproduce the bug, simply uncomment the line in the conf file. make sure you have verified the correct spelling for your network interface. as for mine, i have TRIPLE checked the spelling, and made SURE that it is up, functioning and assigned a STATIC address. I believe the previous posts on here detailed this same information.

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2017-06-10

    I cannot reproduce your issue on three different systems. It is most likely an issue with yours. Try seeking support from your distro's support forum.

  • Captain_Commando

    please post your results, as output by systemctl status minidlna so that I have proof of concept, and that you have a clear understanding of my original problem. I do not for one second believe that it works fine. Nor do I believe that it is a problem with just my setup, given the number of people having the same issue, as reported in bug 297. You may nat have an adequate understanding of the issue we all are having, with minidlna not listening on the correct Network Interface. Thank you.


    Last edit: Captain_Commando 2017-06-11
  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2017-06-11

    The failure in understanding is yours. The issue reported in 297 is not related to your issue, which was mentioned in that thread.

    The problem lies with your system init not with minidlna. minidlna is being started before your network interfaces are up.

    Try changing the service section in your systemd config for minidlna to this:

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/sleep 60
    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/minidlnad -S

    See your distro's support forum for a proper fix. Good day, sir.

  • Captain_Commando

    I do not believe your solution will solve the original problem that minidlna is ignoring/not recognizing the Network Interface parameter. As asked, please post the output of your tests, that you claim show a proper binding to the selected network interface. Barring production of those test results, I will continue to assert that minidlna is broken, and since you are NOT the codes author, I will respectfully request that you cease and desist your attempts to cover this up as a problem with my distro.

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2017-06-12


    grep network_interface /etc/minidlna.conf
    ifconfig ens3 | grep -i broadcast
    ens3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
            inet  netmask  broadcast
    minidlnad -d -f /etc/minidlna.conf | grep getifaddr
    [2017/06/12 06:35:28] getifaddr.c:338: info: Enabling interface
    ps -e | grep minidlnad
     2078 ?        00:00:00 minidlnad
    grep network_interface /etc/minidlna.conf
    ifconfig -a | grep foobar | wc -l
    minidlnad -d -f /etc/minidlna.conf | grep getifaddr
    [2017/06/12 06:37:48] getifaddr.c:109: error: Network interface foobar not found
  • Captain_Commando

    Troll? really? You a child? I have not denigrated your intellect or refered to you with disrespect. GFY.

    Your postings do not show proof of load on startup. for all I know you ran from cli after you booted, and were sure that the IF was found. At this point I am done with dealing with you, and your name calling.

  • Shrimpkin

    Shrimpkin - 2017-06-12

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