
miktex-maketfm.exe: Error response from serve

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-02-11

    Hi all,
    I'm using MikTex 2.9 and I've been trying to generate the pdf file but I keep
    getting this error when downloading the package psyr.tfm

    The error msg:

    downloading [url][/url]
    miktex-maketfm.exe: Error response from server: 407
    Running miktex-makemf.exe...
    miktex-makemf: The psyr source file could not be found.
    Running hbf2gf.exe...
    hbf2gf (CJK ver. 4.8.0)
    Couldn't find `ps.cfg'
    miktex-maketfm: No creation rule for font psyr.
    ! Font U/psy/m/n/10=psyr at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found.
    <to be read again> 
    l.64 {\Pifont{psy}

    I changed the package repository several times but keep getting the same

    I've been trying for 5 days now! any suggestions?

    lots of thanks,

  • U_Fischer

    U_Fischer - 2012-02-11

    Get and the two miktex-zz-files belonging to your miktex version
    from CTAN.
    (e.g. for 2.9.:

    Put the three files in an empty folder outside of miktex and then use this
    folder as local repository and install symbol with the package manager.

    Ulrike Fischer

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-02-15

    Hello again,

    Thank you for suggestion, it helped fixing the problem.

    However, I faced another problem. A package installation window appears with
    the following msg:
    "The required file: tex\latex\rotating\rotating.sty
    is missing"

    I downloaded "" from CTAN and followed your steps previously but
    got this error in the console output of TeXworks:

    starting package maintenance...
    installation directory: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTeX
    package repository: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MissPkg
    lightweight database digest: 1c214d36a9476310c94254375ffb9830
    going to install 7 file(s) (1 package(s))
    pdflatex.EXE: The operation could not be completed because a required file does not exist.
    ! LaTeX Error: File `rotating.sty' not found.
    Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
    or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
    Enter file name:

    I tried to install it from MicTeX package manager, I'm getting the following
    error: (Copied the error)

    MiKTeX Problem Report
    Message: Permission denied: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex\miktex/data/le\mpm.fndb
    Data: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex\miktex/data/le\mpm.fndb
    Source: Libraries\MiKTeX\Core\win\winFile.cpp
    Line: 686
    MiKTeX: 2.9
    OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Edition, 32-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
    Invokers: miktex-taskbar-icon
    SystemAdmin: no
    PowerUser: no
    Root0: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex
    UserInstall: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex
    UserConfig: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex
    UserData: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex
    CommonInstall: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex
    CommonConfig: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex
    CommonData: C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex

    I have Administrative privileges and my account is within the administators

    I haven’t posted a reply earlier since I wanted to check this issue first but
    I didn't get any effective solution yet :(

    I would really appreciate your help.

  • U_Fischer

    U_Fischer - 2012-02-15

    I downloaded "" from CTAN

    You can't use the package manager with arbitrary zip-files. You must use the
    packages prepared. by miktex which you find in
    systems/win32/miktex/tm/packages/. In the case of rotating the name of the
    package is


    I have Administrative privileges and my account is within the administators

    You are overrating admin rights. I never needed any admin rights to use
    miktex. On all my pc miktex is installed in a restricted user account in
    single user mode only for me and it works fine. On a normal pc admins don't
    have the rights to do everything - they only have the means to optain such

    Besides this the messages cleary says that you are neither admin nor power
    user. If the texmf-tree C:\Users\malbabtain\Desktop\MicTex has been generated
    with admin rights it is quite possible that you no longer can access it.

    Ulrike Fischer

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-02-19

    Thank you for such a quick response.

    I had downloaded rotating.tar.lzma in the same way I did with symbol, but
    nothing has changed.


  • bvp

    bvp - 2012-05-27

    Thank you so much for explaining about the archive files. That saved my day.

    One more thing to note: If you are using IE to download files with .tar.lzma
    extension, then upon saving of the file to your harddrive, IE changes the
    extension to .tar.tar, and MikTeX is unable to recognize the file. Need to
    revert the extension manually. Just FYI for anyone browsing this. (I was
    limited to using IE at work, unfortunately).


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