
Trying to make PK font ec-inconsolata at 864

  • Heiko Holzheuer

    Heiko Holzheuer - 2011-11-29


    I've just installed the MikTex 2.9 complete distribution without any problem.

    No I try to create a pdf from a tex file that uses the ec-inconsolata font.
    pdfLatex is running through the whole document, but in the end I get the
    following notice:

    Trying to make PK font ec-inconsolata at 864 DPI...
    Running miktex-makemf.exe...
    miktex-makemf: The ec-inconsolata source file could not be found.
    Running ttf2pk.exe...
    miktex-makepk: PK font ec-inconsolata could not be created.
    (see the transcript file for additional information)
    !pdfTeX error: miktex-pdftex.exe (file ec-inconsolata): Font ec-inconsolata at
    864 not found
    ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

    Can anybody help :) I don't know how to fix it.

    many thanks in advance


  • U_Fischer

    U_Fischer - 2011-11-29

    Looks as if the map-file has not been activated correctly. Run a small hello-
    World document (without inconsolata). Check in the log-file the path of the If it is in your user profile you will have to run in a terminal
    "updmap" to update it. If this is not the source of your problem, you will
    have to give more informations (small complete example document, log-file,
    details about your installation ...)

    Ulrike Fischer


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