
Yap does not display eps files

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm usind MikTeX 2.4 with Yap 2.4.1596. Yap does not display eps files. converting the dvi to ps, ghostview displays everything. Please help!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      That's an old, VERY frequently answered problem (search this forum). The only sure solution is the one you have found already: Don't use YAP, convert all dvi's to ps, and use Gsview as your previewer. I've been doing that for years and never missed YAP at all.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The problem ist, that yap worked under MikTeX 2.1 to 2.3...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well, Yap has changed over time and the underlying ghostscript interpreter also has changed. Since April of this year, Yap uses its own ghostscript executable mgs.exe based on ghostscript 8.01 (which is not the latest ghostscript interpreter available). Also, some programs are more forgiving in using nonstandard eps figures than others. You can waste a lot of time finding out which part of the interactive chain is at fault so that you cannot get proper rendering of eps figures in Yap. As I said before, the only sure way is to bypass Yap and use postscript translations for previewing. If you use an editor shell like WinEdt that's just one more mouse click.


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