
dvips couldn't find header file nntr8a.pfb

  • helloessex

    helloessex - 2007-08-14

    After I run latex and render it by Yap, Yap suggest to use dvips to render the file. I choose yes. Then at the end of the dvi file, it pops up a

    see following message I copied from it:
    MiKTeX Problem Report
    Message: The page could not be rendered.
    Data: This is dvips(k) 5.95b Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (
    ' TeX output 2007.08.14:1544' ->
    C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\dvips.exe: ! Couldn't find header file nntr8a.pfb

    I searched nntr8a.pfd in google, but cannot find any useful information. Anybody has an idea?

    Thanks a lot.

    • U_Fischer

      U_Fischer - 2007-08-17

      Did you also tried to change the line as I suggested?

      I can think of four causes why dvips is still searching the pfb: You have another somewhere, the map is mentioned in a, you are using dvips with an option that load the map, or the font name is in the eps.

      Ulrike Fischer

    • U_Fischer

      U_Fischer - 2007-08-15

      Didn't it occur to you that the content of your document could be important? Always make a complete minimal example and sent it.

      Btw: A google search told me that it is the pfb of TimesNewRoman. If you don't have it, you will problably have to change document or the configuration of your system so that it use some other clone of times.

      Ulrike Fischer

    • helloessex

      helloessex - 2007-08-15

      I had a deeper search on my document. I found that the problem was caused by an eps file which uses TimesNewRoman and TimesNewRoman Italic font.

      However, I have installed all font packages from the "miktex setting"->"packages"->fonts. How could I check whether the TimesNewRoman font installed or not? If not, which package should I install?

      By a way, I searched the TimesNewRoman in my computer, only found one file named: TimesNewRoman.sty.


    • U_Fischer

      U_Fischer - 2007-08-15

      I don't think that you can get nntr8a.pfb for free. But perhaps you find it somewhere.

      If not: Search the in <UserConfig> or <Commonconfig>/miktex 2.5/dvips/config/

      Open it in an editor, search for timesnewroman. Delete the line. Save the file and look what happens. Also try what happens if you delete only the name of the font (the <nntr8a.pfb at the end). And also search for an entry for times and copy the font mentioned there to the timesnewroman entry.

      (Don't fear to destroy anything. You can always rebuild the original by calling updmap on a command line).

      Ulrike Fischer

    • helloessex

      helloessex - 2007-08-16

      Thanks for your reply.
      I search "nntr8a.pfb" string in the /dvips/config folder and delete the line with TimesNewRoman in all files under this folder. Including,, and However, it still has the same error memssage.

      It is strange that the error message still know the missing of nntr8a.pfb file. How could it know after I deleting all the corresponding lines in the mapping file?



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