
miau - yet another IRC-bouncer/proxy / News: Recent posts

miau 0.6.6 released

miau is easy-to-use, small IRC boucer/proxy written in C. It compiles on most *NIX platforms, and should be easily portable to other systems as well. This is a bugfix release.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2010-10-05

miau 0.6.4 released

miau is easy-to-use, small IRC boucer/proxy written in C. It compiles on most *NIX platforms should be easily portable to other systems as well. This release is mainly a bugfix release.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2007-04-10

miau 0.6.2 released

miau is easy-to-use, small IRC boucer/proxy written in C. It compiles on most *NIX platforms should be easily portable to other systems as well. This version fixes some minor irritations and allows more flexible configuration of quicklog.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2006-07-26

miau finally migrated to Subversion

As of June 13th, 2006, miau will use Subversion, explicitly. CVS repository will no longer be updated.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2006-06-13

miau 0.6.1 released

miau is easy-to-use, small IRC boucer/proxy written in C. It compiles on most *NIX platforms should be easily portable to other systems as well. This version fixes gazillion things (as in too many to list here) and optimises a few. See ChangeLog for full details.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2006-05-13

miau released

miau is easy-to-use, small IRC boucer/proxy written in C. It compiles on most *NIX platforms should be easily portable to other systems as well. This version fixes qlogtimestamps and misbehaving configure-script.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-12-31

miau released

miau is easy-to-use, small IRC boucer/proxy written in C. It compiles on most *NIX platforms should be easily portable to other systems as well. This version fixes tiny little mistake in 0.6.0 which caused miau to compile in DEBUG mode by default.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-12-27

miau 0.6.0 finally out

miau 0.6.0 was finally released. Latest release includes several security improvements, bug fixes and even a couple of new options! And probably quite a few new bugs too...

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-12-23

miau: poll/questionnaire

Time to be heard! Want to make a difference? Please spend a few minutes filling up this little questionnaire at

If it breaks, please let me know as soon as possible:

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-11-13

miau 0.5.4: fixed nick generation issues

Funny troubles with generating nicks? Try or wait for the next release (which should be out shortly).

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-10-31

miau 0.5.4: fixed several compiling issues

Troubles compiling? See or wait for patched release.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-07-06

miau 0.5.4: fix compiling with qlog, without inbox

qlog.c doesn't compile if qlog is enabled and inbox is disabled. This patch should issue that problem. You can get the patch at

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-07-05

miau 0.5.4 released

miau is a fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer that can keep your nick even when you disconnect. Version 0.5.4 fixes a bunch of bugs. See for full list of changes.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2005-05-20

miau 0.5.3 released

miau is a fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer that can keep your nick even when you disconnect. Version 0.5.3 fixes a bunch of bugs. See for full list of changes.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2004-05-02

miau 0.5.2 released

miau is a fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer that can keep your nick even when you disconnect. Version 0.5.2 improves logging features and fixes some bugs.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2004-03-31

miau 0.5.1 released

miau is a fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer that can keep your nick even when you disconnect. Version 0.5.1 fixes various AWAY-status and one logging related bug. Also, 0.5.1 no longer tries to join channels when not connected to the server. See ChangeLog for complete list of changes.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2004-02-24

miau 0.5.0-mk2 released

miau, fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer finally got Debian-packaged. This version also fixes broken --enable-local -switch in configure-script.

miau is a fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer that can keep your nick even when you disconnect. Additionally, miau can set you away automatically when you disconnect and auto-op (or auto-voice) people. While you're disconnected, miau can also log everything and/or pipe private messages to an external program. And when you connect miau again, miau can replay some of the old messages so that you know what's going on.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2004-01-13

miau 0.5.0 released

miau 0.5.0 fixes all known bugs and introduces a couple new features (and most likely bugs ;-). After running 0.5.0 for a month already it should be safe to say this to be the most mature release so far.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-12-10

miau 0.4.7 released

0.4.7 is an emergency-release to fix serious bug in 0.4.6. This bug appeared when compiling with gcc 2.95 and not with gcc 3.3.1 and it caused miau to segfault when last client detached from miau with empty quit-message when usequitmsg was set to true.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-08-05

miau 0.4.6 doesn't work with gcc-2.95

When compiling miau with gcc2.95, miau works, but tries to free certain addresses twice when last client quits with no quit-message while usequitmsg is set to true. Fix will be released ASAP.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-08-05

miau 0.4.6 released

This release fixes known (and a few previously unknown) issues with quicklog's length, quit-reason to away-message -feature, and reloading miaurc while connecting to server. miau 0.4.6 also implements feature that allows user to send pre-defined messages to IRC-network when miau connects to server. Finally, this version comes with various small improvements and should be better than ever. :-)

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-08-05

miau 0.4.5's qloglength counts seconds, not minutes

miau 0.4.5 has a "bug", which makes reads qloglength as seconds, not minutes. Workaround is simple: use multiply your qloglength by 60.

This bug was introduced when I was fixing privmsg-issue and decided to make quicklog expire faster. Well, you can't remember everything even though usually I mark temporary changes so I can revert them easily when releasing new version of miau.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-07-20

miau 0.4.5 released

Bugfixes, new features, code clean-up ... what else could one possibly want ?-) New bugs, huh ? We'll find out.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-07-11

miau 0.4.4 released

Bugs fixed: auto-op action for quitted user is now flushed, illegal memory access in miaurc-parser, JUMP-command, miau no longer crashes at start-up if MIAUDIR doesn't exist, miau should, again, complain about missing miaurc instead of silently failing.

Improvements: ERRONEUSNICKNAME no longer makes miau quit, miau should now send QUIT-message to the server only when appropriate, user's away-status is now preserved when connection to the server is lost.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-06-19

miau 0.4.3 released

0.4.3 fixes some of mistakes I made in releasing 0.4.2 (some #defines that should not have been there). It also should fix broken handling of JOIN-messages.

Releasing this version was such a pain you wouldn't believe it... (I actually ended up uploading 0.4.3 to four times. Don't ask, I don't know. I just just all messed up and messed everything up as a result.)

Next time I will _not_ make hasty releases. Keep your fingers crossed.

Posted by Tommi Saviranta 2003-05-15