
PTM error/bug?

Luke Noble
  • Luke Noble

    Luke Noble - 2009-02-24

    I'm consistently getting an error message, no matter what values I use for the expression template (even if I leave them all untouched at the default 0.5).

    Input format error: requires value between 0 and 1 (inclusive)


    • Eleanor Howe

      Eleanor Howe - 2009-02-24

      Hi Luke,

      Have you tried typing a number into the dialog labeled "enter p-value (0,1):"? Do you get the same error when you put in 0.1?


    • Luke Noble

      Luke Noble - 2009-02-25

      Hi Eleanor,
      Thanks for your reply.

      You know... I didn't even SEE that input box! I was almost going to post a query on that here yesterday because, on my version of MeV at least, some of the input boxes in the analysis forms are too small to see what's in there (or in this case so small that I didn't even notice that there was an input box until you pointed it out. Now I see that the cursor icon changes when I mouse over the area, and there is a blue outline when I click there, as if the box is now selected). I see this problem also for the SOTA form, where the the four Growth Termination Criteria boxes are too small to see the values in there (though not as small as the PTM p value one).

      But you're spot on... I now enter a p value (trusting my typing) into the PTM form and it runs fine, so THANKS. 


    • Eleanor Howe

      Eleanor Howe - 2009-02-25

      Hi Luke,

      No problem. :) I'll put that problem with the text box on our todo list.


    • Luke Noble

      Luke Noble - 2009-02-25

      Oh, and I found that the box sizing issue can be sidestepped if you maximise the affected windows (most are not modifiable, but the affected ones are which makes sense!). So all's well, really. Pedantically, would be best to fit to the default size for the analysis form, I suppose.



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