
metrics in eclipse 3.2

  • mvavallo

    mvavallo - 2006-05-12


    Does it work in eclipse 3.2?

    • Michael Campbell

      I haven't gotten it to work.  Not sure if it's user error or something unique to 3.2. 

    • CHW

      CHW - 2006-10-19

      Can't get it to work with 3.2

      Error reported is that Graphical Modelling Framework requires org.eclipse.emf.ocl(1.0.0) or compatible.

      Worked ok in 3.1
      Packaging is a little strange.  Really need to be able to add it as a local install site using Update Manager from the command line:
      java -cp startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -data tempwork -application org.eclipse.update.core.standaloneUpdate -command addSite -from <...>\net.sourceforge.metrics.updatesite

      Any possibility of some fix?

    • Greg

      Greg - 2006-11-29

      Works for me in eclipse 3.2... I just followed the instructions on the site

    • Henri Muurimaa

      Henri Muurimaa - 2007-02-05


      I just installed 1.3.6 on Eclipse 3.2.1 that came with the JBoss IDE 2.0.0 Beta, and didn't get it to work. It installs fine, but the "Enable Metrics" option doesn't stay enabled. I check it but when I reopen the project properties it's unchecked again.

      I'm using Java 1.5.0_08 if it matters.


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