
Give property to each element of array in JSON data

  • Vishal Agrawal

    Vishal Agrawal - 2016-04-07

    I am new to metawidget. Very excited using this with angularJS and producing UIs with least amount of code. I could render my "Viewing single item page" successfully. But now I am in rendering the listing page. In listing page I am unable (or do not know how to) to give property to each element of my list.

    My JSON data looks like this:
    { id : '1', name : { title : 'Mr.', firstName : 'Vishal', lastName : 'Agrawal'}, contact : '123'},
    { id : '2', name : { title : 'Mr.', firstName : 'Akshay, lastName : 'Jain}, contact : '987' }

    Now I want to display this collection in a table format with columns as "Name" "Contact".
    I do not want to display "id" as a column. Also in "Name" columns I want to display all 3 title, firstName & lastName as a concated string.

    Please help.


    Last edit: Vishal Agrawal 2016-04-07
  • Vishal Agrawal

    Vishal Agrawal - 2016-04-11

    Hi Kennard thanks for patiently answering my question in detail with code :) That really helps! I am actually exploring MetaWidget to see if we can use it for UI Automation in production.

  • Vishal Agrawal

    Vishal Agrawal - 2016-04-11

    Do you know of any companies which use Metawidget in production?


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