
MetaUML Live: alternatives (while it's down)?

  • Ace_NoOne

    Ace_NoOne - 2006-11-03

    Hello there,

    I'm new to UML, but determined to learn to use it.
    However, I failed at getting MetaUML to work in TeXnicCenter/MikTex (yes, I still use Windows... ) - quite likely because I've never used LaTex before.
    So MetaUML Live[1] would have been the perfect tool for my first steps at learning the syntax. Unfortunately, it's down ("the compilation is not working").

    So I wonder whether there's an alternative to MetaUML Live - an easy-to-set-up environment for learning UML.
    I'd greatly appreciate if someone could give me a tip here!


    • Christian K.

      Christian K. - 2006-11-08


      Does anybody know how long MetaUML Live! will be offline?

      I have so lecture about MetaUML at my university,
      and I have to create an exercise for the listeners.

      It would be great if they can do this with MetaUML Live!


    • Bryan

      Bryan - 2007-02-26

      If you know someone with a public MediaWiki, I have created an extension ( that allows MetaUML to be rendered in a wiki page.



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