
Lost metadata when transfering from Win Vista

  • Per Schunnesson

    Per Schunnesson - 2011-02-07


    after I moved all my music library from Win Vista/WMP 11 to Win 7/WMP 12 I notice that several metadata is lost. For example have all the values in the fields PlayCounts and LastPlayed been set to 0/blank. Before the transfer I backuped all the metadata using Metadata Backup. But when I try to restore I am not able to perform it due to the Restore button is grayed out. I did not change any file/folder names. Very grateful for any help to get the missing data back!

  • Tim De Baets

    Tim De Baets - 2011-02-07

    The Restore button will be grayed out until you select a valid folder to restore to (i.e. your music folder), and the XML file to be restored. Did you do these both?

    Unfortunately, the Last Played field is read-only, so Metadata Backup won't be able to restore that.

    In your post at the Vista Music and Sound forum, you also mention 'KeyField'. Do you mean the field Key in WMP's library? If so, it's still there in WMP 12, but you need to enable it by right-clicking a column header and selecting Choose columns.

  • Per Schunnesson

    Per Schunnesson - 2011-02-07

    Thanks, I just forgot the restore folder choice, excuse my forgetfulness.
    Regarding the Key field there were actually two fields, in the swedish version called 'Nyckelfält' and 'Nyckelord', direct translated to ''Key field' and 'Key word'. However, in the swedish version of WMP12 there are no longer such fields in the column selector. Maybe there is a difference between the swedish and english version or?
    If so, is it possible to change to the english version, and is it possible to restore values from WMP 11 swedish version to WMP 12 english version?

  • Tim De Baets

    Tim De Baets - 2011-02-08

    Is it possible that these are the Custom 1 and Custom 2 fields?

    If it aren't those fields either, then I suggest that you open the XML file in a text editor like Wordpad. Search for the content of one of these fields, and once you found something, copy/paste the full line into a new post here. That should allow me to determine exactly which fields these are.

  • Per Schunnesson

    Per Schunnesson - 2011-02-09

    I've figured out that the field is called WM_Category in the XML-file and that this field is called 'Taggar' ('Tags' in english) in the WMP 12 swedish version. Not much logic in that I think. Anyway, many thanks for your help!

  • Tim De Baets

    Tim De Baets - 2011-02-10

    You're welcome, good to hear that you found out the mysterious field :)

    It looks like the field has also been renamed in the English version of WMP: from Keywords in WMP 11 to Tags in WMP 12.


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