
#15 index out of range


dear icecubetray,

i have found out about your program just 1 week ago and Meta-All looks very promising since MetaStock format is widely used and Yahoo has a lot of data.

however when starting up the program I found 2 problems

1. icon images
the images were not in the directory \images behind
the release directory because i was not created
this was easely corrected by copying the images
directory from \debug directory

2. index out of range
when updating all data Windows detected a problem
in the report Windows said it had detected a
problem because the index was out of range
I was updating about 60 securities with each a lot
of dates; about 1 year of pricedata for each security
After about 246 updates Windiows detected the fault
and closed Meta-All down.

hope this helps to make Meta-All better


  • icecubetray

    icecubetray - 2007-10-25

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    1. You're running the application from the code directories? It would be better to use the installer......unless you are planning on doing some development?

    2. I'm not seeing this problem, but its possible I may not be following the exact steps you are. Can you provide detailed instructions on what you are doing? click x button, etc....

  • ZoSo

    ZoSo - 2008-07-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have this problem too. It seems to have to do with the size of the update indeed. I usually download 2 years of data but if I have more than 255 tickers I get that same crash. I did a workaround by dividing up the tickers in groups of 255 (now at about 6 groups) but it is kind of annoying when you want to run a scan because you have to download the quotes and then move the tickers to a single folder.

    icecubetray: I can provide a folder with all the tickers (over a thousand) if you need one to test this bug.

    Thanks again for the great software you've put together!


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