
Point Cloud to Mesh HOW??

  • Fabe1991

    Fabe1991 - 2010-04-19

    i have created a very nice pointcloud of a Chocolate Bunny with photosynth
    Now i want to create a 3d-object of it
    could you please help me, im absolutely new.
    You can download the PointCloud here:


  • Nathan Craig

    Nathan Craig - 2010-06-25


    I recently posted notes on how I am processing Photosynth and Bundler point
    clouds. Now that MeshLab 1.2.3a permits the selection and removal of
    individual vertices, it really opens the door for working with point clouds
    generated by Photosynth and Bundler (which require cleaning).

    Here are my notes

    If there anyone has suggestions on steps that I should include or exclude, I
    would be very grateful for the feedback. Point clouds from Bundler and
    Photosynth require quite a bit of noise removal. Sometimes, I do this in
    VRMesh studio (denoise function). MeshLab has an impressive bank of filters,
    can anyone suggest some good noise removal filters? Poisson disk sampling
    seems more like a decimation function than a noise removal one. Any thoughts?

    Thanks to the MeshLab team for making such a great product. I really
    appreciate the new point cloud editing tool.

  • Nathan Craig

    Nathan Craig - 2010-06-25

    Dear Cignoni,

    I think it would be useful for people to have documentation resources in one
    place. I wonder if it would be worthwhile to have on the MeshLab
    documentation wiki
    a mirror
    of the very nice point cloud to mesh tutorial that is on the MeshLab stuff
    blog? Perhaps it could be listed under the existing "how to" section? By
    having a copy on the wiki, additional users could refine and expand on the
    procedures. I recently made some updates on the documentation wiki, but I did
    not see an option to create a new page. I suspect (though I may be wrong) that
    new page creation must be done by an admin. If I'm mistaken, I can take steps
    to create such a page. The ARC3D to MeshLab tutorial is very useful, and I
    think it would be nice to have some instructions on different ways to make
    meshes from point clouds.

    thank you,


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