
#239 Photosynth Import Filter - "mfiVersion" error

Filters (71)
Sean Bell

When trying to import my photosynth located at url:

When "Download Images" is checked, ClusterID=-1 (or any), and saveto = ./, the following failure message appears:

"Failure of filter: 'Import Photosynth data'



39 point cloud layers are imported, and no cameras or vertices colors, when "Download Images" is unchecked.

Please advise! (Note the default photosynth for the filter, turtle at URL:, works fine with same settings"

Thank you for the great software!


  • Emanuele Cavarretta


    I tried to follow your instructions, but I couldn't replicate the behaviour you pointed out. Are you using the last SVN revision? I tested with that and the only problem is a random crash whose cause we are already trying to figure out.
    In both cases I get the point cloud and the vertices colors correctly (when meshlab doesn't crash of course).
    A hint: in order to see the per vertex color into the viewport you have to turn the lightning off (from the Render/Lightning menu) and to turn on per vertex color (from the Render/Color menu).
    Lastly the camera layer isn't imported when the user doesn't choose to download images; this was a design choice because cameras are relevant when trying to align the point cloud to an image. I simply didn't think that someone could be interested in camera positions without images. Is that a feature request? :)


  • Sean Bell

    Sean Bell - 2011-02-21

    I am using 64-bit v1.3.0 on windows 7. I will look into trying to use he latest SVN revision.

    Regarding the potential feature request: I think that the only reason, right now, I was looking for the camera positions when I did not download the images was that I was unable to download the images. There could be some other use-cases for that feature though, such as already having the high-resolution images and not wanting to re-download them.

  • Oto

    Oto - 2016-01-25

    Seems to be related to UAC settings. If meshlab is run as administrator then there is no issue. Where it tries to download images?


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