
Menu Inventor / News: Recent posts

Menu Inventor Patch 1.11 Released

Menu Inventor 1.2 is progressing slowly, but it will take a long time before it is finally released. In the meantime, small patches to Menu Inventor 1.1 will be released, fixing some of the most annoying bugs and implementing most requested small features. Today comes the first patch, which adds these:

-Minify feature: By default, the Trigger takes 48x48 pixels of your screen. Double click it to reduce it to 16x16.
-Start up position:Select one of the presets, or set your own custom one.
-Always on top:Trigger always floats above all applications, which can annoy in many situations. An option has been added to disable this and force Menu Inventor to appear in the taskbar.
-Retain menus after launching an item:Menus automatically hide when an item has been launched. An option has been added to disable this.

Posted by Hai 2009-03-09

Rewriting in C++

Whole of Menu Inventor is being rewritten in C++ for greater flexibility and improved performance! Release of 1.2 will thus be delayed.

Posted by Hai 2008-12-16

Menu Inventor 1.1 Released!

Finally, it is here. Full and sharp version of Menu Inventor 1.1 has been released - all new features and improvements have been thoroughly tested and hopefully, I can safely wish you: Happy Inventing!

Posted by Hai 2007-09-09

Menu Inventor 1.1 RC1 Released!

Yes, the new Menu Inventor is almost ready, but before fully showing the new shiny 1.1 to the public, I give you the first Release Candidate!

All details of this version (new features, bugfixes, known issues etc.) are described in the Release notes, which are included in installation file mi_1.1rc1.exe

You can use use your old MIF menu files from Menu Inventor 1.0 Alpha, but first you have to convert it to the new MXF menu file compatible with Menu Inventor 1.1 using the MIF2MXF Convertor.

Posted by Hai 2007-04-12

RC1 Release Scheduled

The release of 1.1 has taken far too much time and so I decided to speed things up. Instead of trying to ram lots of new features, I decided to postpone few of those less important ones to the next release and let the crowd (and time) test this new 1.1 version.

And so, on 12th of April, the fully usable first release candidate of Menu Inventor will be published.

Posted by Hai 2007-04-05

Menu Inventor 1.1 test2 Released!

As a New Year suprise, yet another test package of Menu Inventor 1.1 was released! Regard it as a small tasting of the upcoming features. So what's in the spotlight?

* ClipAdd. Probably the biggest star of the release. Mad of adding files one by one? Simply add them from the Clipboard!

* Modifier upgraded. New Modifier now supports autonaming, retrieving of .lnk targets and keywords launching

* Full Icon support,including icon ripping and all-new user-selected icons.... read more

Posted by Hai 2006-12-31

ClipAdd - Simply add files from Clipboard!!

Yes, new replacement for BatchAdd: ClipAdd! Just go in Explorer to any folder, select files, hit Copy and then click 'ClipAdd' from Menu Inventor and your files get converted and added! Simple as that!

Posted by Hai 2006-12-29

Menu Inventor isn't dead!

No way! After a long pause, work has been resumed. The Icon System has awaited its rewrite and soon we will have Menu Inventor fully loaded with icons.

Posted by Hai 2006-11-06


Insert function is up and working. Yep!

Posted by Hai 2006-07-23

1.1 beta-test1 released

1.1 beta - test1 has been released today. The source and the documentation are available for download.
It is advised that you only try to run the source code and try out the new features, since the code itself is not yet cleaned up.

Posted by Hai 2006-07-18


Launching applications with parameters is finally supported. Also, the bug tracker and feature request tracker have been updated.

Posted by Hai 2006-07-18


The hot new feature Drag'n'Drop editing has been successfully implemented today. Visit the Home Page for details.

Posted by Hai 2006-07-06


Menu Inventor underwent a plastic surgery! Rewriting the Graphics Engine from scratch again (but with more experience now, or hopefully), Menu Inventor looks like in the very first stages of 0.1... but what's under the hood, is much more powerful than before.

Posted by Hai 2006-07-05


Implementation of the Full Object-Oriented Rewrite has started. A tree structuring has also been started.

Posted by Hai 2006-07-02

Menu Inventor resumes

I feel I have taken a long enough holiday from this project, so I am getting back to it. Hopefully I will be able to cram as many new features and bugfixes as possible into the new version. ;)

Posted by Hai 2006-06-27

ActiveX Error fixed

Thanks to Verminox, through collaborative means we have solved the ActiveX Error. Check "Bugs" > "ActiveX Error" or read the notes for 1.00a release for solution and details.

Posted by Hai 2006-04-22

Menu Inventor goes open source!

I started writing this program about 6 months ago, but it wasn't until now I decided to make it open source... but here it comes! Enjoy it!

Posted by Hai 2006-04-18