
#362 [Dev Branch]Bug after disconnecting

Working on it
Liam Ryan

Login to client as normal
Hit File -> Disconnect
Activate button changes to login but the file still has "disconnect" instead of connect
Clicking "login" from client button does not reconnect
I can see the cmd being sent but nothing is happening, you need to quit and reconnect
Probably related to the separation of the threads and the new command handler


  • Liam Ryan

    Liam Ryan - 2016-05-26

    Issue was being caused by clearing the user list since after refactoring the status of the user is only kept in the CUser PlayerStatus object. I changed the clear to clear all users except the client user. I'm leaving this bug open until I've tested all scenarios to see if having a user in the list will have unwanted consequences elsewhere in the code


    Last edit: Liam Ryan 2016-05-26
  • Liam Ryan

    Liam Ryan - 2016-05-26

    It seems like the login button (activation) not working when disconnected is a bug in the existing client. I can reproduce on the supplied test server and on MMNet.


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