
#89 Auto-fill criticals allocates poorly


For all unit types, MML does a poor job of auto-allocating equipment. From putting weapons in the body of a tank, to putting a jump jet in the head of a mech.

Original Text:
As title, even weapons. Shouldn't it be auto-allocating weapons to the turret and ammo/other equipment to the body instead?


  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-01-01
    • assigned_to: Dylan Myers
    • resolution: none --> accepted
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-01-04

    While this will be a difficult thing to code as very intelligent, I think some basic intelligence can be done.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Milestone: --> Stable
  • Seph North

    Seph North - 2015-08-20

    I can't imagine you could really get a good system for auto-allocating weapons and ammo. There's way too much variation in that. It might be a better idea to not do weapons and ammo with auto fill, just make it do the filler stuff (endo steel, ferro fibrous, other stuff that just fills space and doesn't do anything).

    Jump jets wouldn't be too difficult to auto-fill I guess (evenly distribute across side torsos, legs, then ct), same with heat sinks (I'd suggest fill legs, CT, ST, arms in that order). Do HS before JJ (better to have HS in legs than JJ imo), then do filler stuff after.

    • Dylan Myers

      Dylan Myers - 2015-08-20

      Obviously you've never seen HMPro auto-allocate. It can be done with a modicum of intelligence.

      • Seph North

        Seph North - 2015-08-22

        Who wants a modicum of intelligence in their weapon allocation? I want a lot of intelligence in weapon allocation, so I do it myself. But things like endo-steel etc I don't really care about the allocation of (and it doesn't affect the game), so that's good to automate.

        (tho if the automation system does include weapon allocation it wont affect me, since I'll allocate all the weapons myself before I auto-fill)


        Last edit: Seph North 2015-08-22

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