
#495 Princess shoots at buildings with infantry in them

stable 0.42

Here's my second addition, an extra bit of code during Princess's initFiring method to add buildings with infantry/BA in them post-movement to the strategic building targets list, similar to how turrets are designated pre-movement. This way, Princess will actually shoot at infantry/BA inside buildings, instead of ignoring them as they slowly plink helpless 'mechs to death all day.

Princess still loves to pour everything she can into a designated building, so we're back to "kill all infantry(in buildings) forever" a bit, but the designation of buildings only happens after movement(pre-firing), so Princess should treat the infantry unit as infantry(i.e. low threat in general) when deciding where to move, at least.

As with turrets, overuse of infantry in heavy urban terrain can lead to poor bot performance(due to shooting nothing but infantry in buildings), but for now I at least feel that this behaviour is preferable to infantry in buildings being invincible. I may try to address this issue at some point, since it shouldn't be too hard to adjust for the threat posed by a given turret/infantry unit and weight accordingly.

Hope this is useful(and properly formatted, this time)! One more to come tomorrow, I think.

1 Attachments


  • Nicholas Walczak

    Implemented in [r11922].



    Commit: [r11922]

  • Nicholas Walczak

    • status: open --> implemented
    • assigned_to: Nicholas Walczak
    • Group: undetermined --> stable 0.42
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-06-01
    • Status: implemented --> closed