
#481 Show Deployment Zones when desig. AutoArty

stable 0.42

This is a patch for [feature-requests:#1369]

When designating auto artillery targets, all players' deployment zones are shown by adding hex borders shaded in the respective player's color.

When new tooltips are in, I think I'll add a hint in the tooltip as well.

1 Attachments


Feature Requests: #1369


  • Nicholas Walczak

    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    -This is a patch for Feature Request #1369 
    +This is a patch for [feature-requests:#1369]
     When designating auto artillery targets, all players' deployment zones are shown by adding hex borders shaded in the respective player's color.
  • Juliez

    Juliez - 2015-05-10

    This is an additional patch (independent from the ArtyAutoDeploy). In the artillery autohit designation phase it will list the players in the tooltip for whom the hex is a deployment hex.

    "Deployment Hex for Players:
    Player3 etc."

  • Nicholas Walczak

    I imeplemnted this in [r11830]. I didn't really like the transparency, (which came from using PlayerColors.getColor, which will add transparency if the attack arrow transparency option is on, this seems somewhat questionable). Instead I used PlayerColors.getColorRGB. I thought that with the transparency, it was harder to distinguish the Player's color. Without transparency, I reduced the width of the highlighting was well.

    It might be a good idea to have a toggle for this option as well. In my test, I had myself with a "deploy any" and a Princess with a "deploy west" and another princess with a "deploy east". I had a 16x17 map, and it was full of highlighting. With multiple "deploy any"'s, I could see the highlighting being kind of overwhelming.



    Commit: [r11830]

  • Nicholas Walczak

    • status: open --> implemented
    • assigned_to: Nicholas Walczak
    • Group: undetermined --> stable 0.42
  • Juliez

    Juliez - 2015-05-11

    Yes I agree. Looked good at first glance. I'll try to think of something.
    It's difficult to make something noticable but not annoying in many adjacent hexes and preserve graphical terrain info like elevation borders (at least unless the board gets continually repainted).
    One possiblity would be to make only the border of the deployment area show up but that will not be very visible for a player with "deploy any". I also thought of adding small colored blobs to the hex - easily arrangable, obvious but not too disturbing.
    In any case, I'll do something about a switch.

  • Nicholas Walczak

    I think that something like with "Toggle Isometric" that has a keybind would be best, that way you can quickly/easily toggle the drawing on/off with a key press.

  • Juliez

    Juliez - 2015-05-14

    OK added a keybind for this. Please set a default key (Z?), adding my keybinds to the patch is probably not a good idea.
    Theres a hint in the tooltip now as well that shows the keybind and some text, so it should now be convenient :)
    Since the zones can be easily turned on and off I buffed the border thickness a little and added a gap between borders so the green and blue can be better distinguished.
    Also added the tooltip strings to the properties file.

    • Nicholas Walczak

      Implemented in [r11850].



      Commit: [r11850]

  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-06-01
    • Status: implemented --> closed