
#1409 Could you incorporate battleforce/alpha strike rules into megamek?

stable 0.42

I'm well aware that this is probably a stupid request, but please hear me out, okay?

Battleforce and Alpha Strike (not that I recall much on the latter at the oment) is a simplified rules set for the standard rules that already appear in MegaMek. This allows us to play with a much larger number of units on the table, while still keeping to roughly the same gametime as we would have with a much smaller Total Warfare force.

I'd like to know if a version of one of these two rulesets could be implemented into MegaMek, allowing us to play much larger forces, without having to go on for days running each individual mech using standard rules.


  • Hammer

    Hammer - 2015-11-04

    Not a stupid request at all. In fact a few years ago someone actually started coded some of the Battleforce stuff into MegaMek. But then they disappeared.

    The Devs have had the conversation about this, but its simply a matter of resources. So not going to say never but will say a very very very long time off. Unless someone joins the project as a coder and its their pet project or focus area.

  • Vincent Spencer

    Vincent Spencer - 2015-11-04

    Okay, makes sense. I respect that this is a freelance, non-funded project, so whatever you guys put out is already highly amazing in my opinion. Love the game as it is, I just want to give my input on how things could be improved (at least in my mind) to create the best possible game of this type.

    Lots of respect to you!


    Last edit: Vincent Spencer 2015-11-04

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