
#4624 Robotic Cockpit

Derek King

Hey guys...this may be a bug, or may be a feature request...honestly not sure.

I just had one of my forum members, who I got to switch from SSW & HMP to MML, that's trying to make a drone contact me (I've been trying to push MML pretty hard). He stated he was unable to get the Robotic Cockpit to show up. It was kinda late, so I told him I'd double check in the morning, but then I remembered the more recent mechs that were drones didn't have it.

Since it was late, I simply went to to check for the rules if any. They don't even have a listing for Robotic Cockpit yet.

So, my late night got later...and I pulled up info on the the Republic of the Sphere's Celerity & Revenant from the XTRO Comstar and TRO 3145 RotS, and they use a Small Cockpit with a Drone (Remote) Operating System...but I specifically remember "Robotic Cockpit". So I went further back to Jihad: Final Reckoning, and looked up the Revenant...and it has a Robotic Cockpit. Searched a bit more, and found the rules for at least I'm not crazy.

For now, since he wanted a "drone", I got him the necessary info to use the Small Cockpit & Drone (Remote) Operating System...but I'm thinking Robotic Cockpits are simply missing from MML & should be added. If necessary...the rules for Robotic Cockpits can be found on page 142 & 143 of Jihad: Final Reckoning.



  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-09-13

    Ticket moved from /p/megameklab/bugs/196/

    Can't be converted:

    • _resolution: none
  • Dylan Myers

    Dylan Myers - 2015-09-13

    As all equipment is handled via MegaMek, I've moved your ticket to the MM tracker.

  • Derek King

    Derek King - 2015-09-13

    Ok...thank you!

  • foij

    foij - 2015-09-17

    The construction data for a robotic cockpit is technically in MM already, even if it is not in MegaMekLab yet. You just have to modify the .mtf file by hand. However, the rules for robotic cockpits have not been implemented in MM yet. So, even if you build a mech with a robotic cockpit, it won'd do anything.

  • Derek King

    Derek King - 2015-09-17

    Ok, but that's why I reported the bug, so we can make mechs with robotic cockpits. Any idea as to when it will be put into MegaMekLab?

  • foij

    foij - 2015-09-21

    I'm not a MM or Lab coder, but I doubt anytime soon. There are several cockpit types (tripod, command console, interface, drone, etc.) that have yet to be implemented, and I don't think any are high on the list.

  • Hammer

    Hammer - 2015-10-13

    Hi Derek,

    Its just construction data for the cockpit you need right?

  • Derek King

    Derek King - 2015-10-13

    He wanted to build an actual drone using a robotic cockpit as per rules on page 142 & 143 of Jihad: Final Reckoning.

  • Hammer

    Hammer - 2015-10-13 not for play then. I'll have a look and he'll likely have to modify the MTF file by hand.

  • Derek King

    Derek King - 2015-10-13

    No, it was for play (as well as inclusion in the TRO my forums is doing). Probably not tourney legal play...but definitely for play.


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