
#31 Some kind of access control list



It would be great if there was a way to restrict which device is allowed to access a certain media that's in the database. An access control list based on the MAC address would probably be the easiest. It can be spoofed but I trust my users. I just don't want the kids to be able to stream some of my explicit music to their computers until I decide it's ok for them to do so... Like when they are 45 years old ;-) If it could be set when adding new media at a directory level of a file level that would be great.

Another possibility would be to define group in the config.xml with access level for each MAC address and just select a level when adding media. I'm sure there are many ways to implement it. Whatever is the easiest for you guys to put in and convenient for your users.




  • Jin

    Jin - 2008-01-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO


    well, we again have the limitation of libupnp here, all low level device communication is done there so we have no access to the device MAC or IP. The feature you are asking for will be possible once we replace the UPnP library, but that will take a little.

    The only thing I can suggest for now is that you setup a second MediaTomb instance with a separate database and configure the firewall on your server to block your kids from the port on which the server with explicit content is running.

    Kind regards,

    • 0xabc

      0xabc - 2015-01-05

      How long is 'a little'? I just started using MediaTomb, but my LAN is shared with tenants and I'm not comfortable sharing my entire media library with them (I would be happy with limiting access to the whole MediaTomb instance, rather than certain media, to certain devices). It has been 7 years, is there any update on this ticket?



      Last edit: 0xabc 2015-01-05

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